Chapter 2 - We meet Again

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Aria had finally found her peace, as she had successful removed her unusual mystic heart that she had been born with. She had gone to Gyro and got it shrunken so she could place it in the golden heart shaped locket Scrooge had given her when she was younger. A tiny Ruby heart was in the center,  with the outside scripted with I'll love you till the end of time- Scrooge McDuck. When she arrived at the McDuck Manor, she was surprised to see Donald and three young ducklings who looked very much like Della. A flash of pain shot through where her heart should have been. Aria placed her hand on her necklace holding her heart,  and the emotional and physical pain vanished. She walked up to the two angry male duck and pulled down her silk hood.

"Good day Scrooge, Donald." Aria said lightly, as she stood a few feet behind Scrooge. Donald's eyes went wide in shock.

"Ahhhhhhhhh-" Donald couldn't get a word put for how stunned he was to see the duck who helped raise him and his sister.

"Oh,  what are ye gaping at, I'm not that bad to look at." Scrooge told Donald off. His nephew just pointed,  and as Scrooge followed his feathered finger,  he could not believe his eyes. "Ari?!" There was no mistaking it, this was she. "What... Where have ye been lass?!" Aria opened her mouth to speak, but paused as Donald drove away. Scrooge couldn't help himself as he hugged her after they got through the mansion door. He immediately pulled back as he thought he heard something that didn't seem right at all. He paced his ear closer to her locket,  and he heard it. The thumping sound of a heartbeat who's only rhythm was that of a sad love song.

(The rhythm of this song is her heartbeat)

"I... "

"Shhh!" Scrooge put a feathered finger upon her duck bill,  and a small blush appeared. Scrooge carefully lifted the nacklace and paused, trembling because he feared what he knew was true. He placed his ear where her heart should be. Nothing. No sound at all. "Ari... Why?!"

"I just couldn't... I didn't... There was no sane way to tell you that I was with child,  soon to lay when she left. In the despair and depression of Della's disappearance,  our eggs nearly didn't survive. Medically I couldn't raise them on my own... And the pain of loosing all of you was too great... Either I died... Or I lost my heart."

"Bless me bagpipes... What I have done?!"

Webby Vanderquack...or is it McDuck? - Season One, Episode OneWhere stories live. Discover now