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  I HAD been getting in and out of outfits for what seemed to be like an eternity, and we were finally down to finishing the last outfit after starting the first one hours ago

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I HAD been getting in and out of outfits for what seemed to be like an eternity, and we were finally down to finishing the last outfit after starting the first one hours ago.

Standing on the platform riser, I was dressed in a shimmery pink pantsuit that I was set to wear for the scene where Elvis performs in Las Vegas.

"Just this last bead and then you're all free to go, Love," The soft-spoken lady told me, keeping her eyes trained on the pearly pink bead that she was in the middle of attaching to the blitz of silver and pink. "You've been so patient. Haven't gotten a peep of a complaint outta' you once."

I smiled, looking at what she was doing through the large, wide mirror that we faced. "It's been relaxing to watch."

Watching her work on the outfits ever-so delicately had pushed away the consuming thoughts of the tour to the back of my mind. And when I felt myself going back to thinking about it, I would go to ask her about what she was doing to the current outfit and what she was planning to do with it next. It would get her talking and I would focus on that instead.

I saw her lips curve up into a smile at my comment. After the bead was secured onto the top, she straightened up and took a step back. Her brown eyes inspected the finished outfit from top to bottom, a proud smile slowly gracing her face to show that she was satisfied with the outcome of it.

"Perfect," She nodded her head once and then looked at me. "Now let's get you outta' it before I end up going crazy and add more beads."

She carefully helped me out of the pantsuit and brought my original clothes over for me to change into. She enclosed the pantsuit in a protective cover and hung it up with the other outfits as I was putting my sundress back on.

Before leaving, I thanked her for her time and she pulled me into a small hug to say goodbye. I was very grateful for the friendly people that I had the chance to work with so far, as it made my time here feel more enjoyable knowing that I didn't have to spend my day around a bunch of grouches.

I could deal with one grouch, in particular, but not a whole heap of them.

The time was now nearing ten-past-four in the evening and I was all finished for the day. I had turned my phone on after switching it off earlier this morning and was waiting for it to turn on as I walked out to my car that was parked in the lot.

I opened the door and sat down in the driver's seat. I turned the engine on and eagerly cranked the air con to the highest level since I was sweating my butt off in the summer heat. As I waited for the cold air to flow through, my mind had somehow made its way over to Austin. I wondered how his scene was going- or had gone, as I didn't know if he was still busy filming it or not.

I hope he didn't feel too bad about what Kelsey had said.


I had taken the scenic route home like how I had done this morning. And as I looked out at the mesmerising view from time to time, I could see how the blazing sun gleamed down onto the ocean's rippling surface and made it twinkle like crystals that had bright lights reflecting through them.

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