twenty-two. (2/2)

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𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 by chase atlantic.

I KNOW you're all gonna l o v e this...
And uh, screw the inhaler; you're gonna need a damn ventilator for this ENTIRE chapter...

      𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 had soaked my body entirely, making my drenched clothes stick to me like a second skin

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 had soaked my body entirely, making my drenched clothes stick to me like a second skin. The uncomfortable chill that usually accompanied the wetness was distant in my mind; the only things I could focus on were the way Austin's lips locked back onto mine and how his hands travelled the length of my sides-with him gripping my waist and hips when they smoothed down there.

The cold rain helped to cool my burning skin down a fraction, the droplets running down my blushing cheeks to then land on Austin's face.

I had forgotten we were laying in the middle of a road, as everything I knew at this moment apart from him had faded away to the back of my mind; not a single care if a car came by. Though the chances of one approaching were unlikely since Austin had taken the back roads, meaning we were going to be alone for quite some time.

I could still hear the muffled music from the car playing the ending of 'Me and Your Mama' over the loud rainfall. I must have accidentally put my playlist on shuffle, but I sure as hell wasn't complaining about it. In fact, it made the moment between Austin and me fierier-more intense.

I didn't realize he had taken his hands off my body until he was moving to sit up; keeping his lips on mine and my body on his as he did so. Then he pulled his face away from mine, his lips were parted and he urged me to pull myself up to stand. His hand had grounded itself on my body again, tugging me closer to him as he tucked his other hand under my chin; urging me to look at him.

His eyes were hooded and his pupils were dilated as they gazed into mine; the heat and rush of the intense kiss absorbed into his system, much like how it had done with me. There were unspoken words behind his eyes-a hidden meaning, and I knew exactly what it signified. I felt it too.

His hand ran up my jaw and he pulled my face up to connect our lips again-with me responding to it instantly.

We had somehow made it back over to the car-which I had recognised when he pressed me up against it. The freezing, water-soaked surface sent a shiver through my body when I felt the impact.

I smacked my hand against the vehicle in search of the door's handle, my fingers desperately fumbling around the space. When I found the handle I was quick to pull it back and open the door.

My hands found their way back to Austin's shoulders and I weakly pushed him back, our kiss breaking from the separation of our bodies. He looked at me in confusion, his wet lips a little swollen and parted, but the evident confusion on his face eased back to the devilishly dark one when I ushered him over to sit down in the driver's seat.

As soon as he was settled, he reached for me-fixing his hands on my hips and urging me to sit down on his lap; guiding me over to straddle him again.

I reached for the door and slammed it shut, closing Austin and me inside the car so that the interruptions of the heavy rain and aspects of being outside were locked away. And just as the boom of the door sounded out, 'Slow Down' by Chase Atlantic began to play.

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