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   𝐓𝐇𝐄 last few hours had gone from being the absolute worst to being the absolute best

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 last few hours had gone from being the absolute worst to being the absolute best. I had thought that Baz would want to shoot the scene a few more times, but he was very satisfied with the outcome of the first take and had quickly ushered Austin and me over to him by the playback screen as soon as he proclaimed 'Cut'.

The air between Austin and I felt tight as we stood next to each other in front of the screen, our arms brushing ever so lightly against with every small move one of us made. I didn't know why I all of a sudden felt so shy around him, I mean, it was only a kiss-How did it end up like this?

Shut up, right now is not the time to quote song lyrics, idiot.

I could see Baz's mouth move as he talked to Austin and me, but the words seemed far away in my mind as I still felt as if I were in a distant haze. I could still feel the way that Austin's lips had locked into mine; making them feel all heavy and tingly with phantom pressure.

Get ahold of yourself, woman. We don't fold for no man.

No man.....

"Are you sure you don't want to shoot another take?" Austin asked Baz as his thumb and index finger gently tugged on his bottom lip. "Just in case?"

Why would he- Was I really that bad of a kisser?

I now wanted to shrivel up into a ball and disintegrate.

"I thought the one we just got was good?" Baz questioned, weakly raising a brow at Austin's suggestion, then he turned his head to the crew, "Here-can we have the replay please?"

All three of us cast our eyes on the screen when it gently flashed to replay the kissing scene. I couldn't lie that it felt very weird to watch myself on the screen, but then my attention was caught by the image of Austin and I's faces slowly inching closer, our lips being the pull of the nearness.

I felt my breath hitch as I watched the moment our lips had finally brushed together. It looked different from what I thought it would be when I felt the connection of our lips. It was a hesitant touch, as they were barely brushing against each other; testing the waters to see who would give in and deepen the kiss.

And Austin was the one to capitulate.

I didn't even notice it during the moment, it was like my mind had blacked out and my body took full control of it; like an autopilot as my mental ability went somewhere else for the time being.

But the one thing that really made me stop breathing was when I saw that I had gone to barely pull back for some reason but Austin had only leaned with me to keep our lips connected.

Oh, my fucking g-

"See?" Baz interrupted the concentrated silence, gesturing his hand to the screen as our kiss slowly broke. "It looks so natural. There's no way I'm gonna use another take for this."

𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄  | a. butlerWhere stories live. Discover now