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𝐑𝐔𝐁𝐘 𝐓𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘-the rolling stones.
( this song is for a particular moment in this chapter,
ill let you know when to play it )

  ( this song is for a particular moment in this chapter,     ill let you know when to play it )

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𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 between Austin and I were going-what I thought to be-pretty swimmingly. We hadn't bickered or sent each other nasty glances in almost two days. So yeah, I'd say that's good progress in our attempts to tear down the invisible wall between us.

Today had been quite a decent day for us, as our aim toward creating a good friendship had grown; me confiding in him this morning led to him confiding in me as we watched the sunrise on the beach. I liked the way things were going between us now, because at first it felt like we were forcing this upon us-which basically was the case- but now I actually enjoyed talking to him, as it no longer felt like I was being fake.

But as I said before, our slowly-growing friendship wasn't properly stable yet. We needed at least another week or so of talking and getting to know each other-without feeling even the smallest urge to get at the other's throat- for things to seem reasonably solid in our relationship. And nothing was certain yet, as the one of us could suddenly snap at any given time and push us back in our gradually-growing progress.

But so far he seemed like a pretty decent guy and I had high hopes for our friendship.

I had gone back to the hair and makeup department after the photoshoot had finished so the people there could get my makeup cleaned off and to get the light-brown wig taken off of my head so that I could finally go back home. I craved the feeling of wrapping my body up in my bed like a sock and hibernate in my bedroom for the rest of the night, but Brie and I had planned to go to a pub later on to grab a few drinks as a way to celebrate my first completed week of the movie's long production process.

She had sent me a message earlier today, about half an hour after filming, to ask me how it went and to give her all the juicy details on how the kissing scene went. I kept my reply simple by sending her two smirking emojis, as I wanted to rant about it to her later tonight after I've had a few drinks to loosen me up-that way I can really spill the details.

It was around six-thirty pm when I had changed back into the clothes I originally came to work in, and applied a light amount of makeup to my face so I didn't look like I had just crawled out from the sewers like a rat, before heading to my trailer to grab my bag I had left in there this morning.

The studio site was slowly becoming deserted, as it was quite late in the afternoon and most crew people had gone home after a long day of work.

With the strap of my bag now hung around my shoulder after checking I had everything with me, I stepped out of my trailer and closed the door behind me; turning around to quickly lock it. I had been walking to the parking lot for about twenty seconds when I heard the sudden clank of a different trailer door opening behind me, and I turned my head to look over my shoulder at the sound, immediately spotting Austin stepping out of it.

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