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just a heads up, this book is fanfiction (fictional)!! and i have altered austin's backstory a bit for the plot-just in case any of you get confused in the later chapters when there are topics that don't relate to his real life x

( oh, and tabby doesn't know his mama has passed away. so try not to blame her for her inner thoughts even as painful as they might be lol )

 so try not to blame her for her inner thoughts even as painful as they might be lol )

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐃 had come and gone in a blur and it was now Monday morning. I spent the entire two days lazying around the house with Brie, replying to tour-associated things with my team, and going down to the beach later in the afternoons.

I loved the weekends because they gave me a chance to sleep in till whenever my body decided to wake me up that morning and do absolutely nothing all day.

Just how I liked it.

Since Friday, it felt like a bit of the troubling weight had been lifted off my shoulders now that the first scene was over and done with; but not all of the weight, unfortunately, as I still had the rest of the movie to do. This was only the beginning, a small step into a long journey.

I didn't need to go to work until later in the afternoon, as all I had to do was rehearse the argument bit with Austin-who was busy this morning with filming the scene where he's crying because of Gladys's death; which I must say, is kind of a rough start to a Monday morning.

At the thought of him, my mind travelled back to Friday afternoon when he suddenly looked troubled after I asked him what he was doing on the weekend. I hoped it wasn't anything too bad, but his expression had said otherwise. I remembered how he said he was going to see someone, and my only assumption was that it was Kelsey he was talking about-that, or some other girl.

Even so, it wasn't any of my business. Stop being so nosy, Tabitha.

I was in the middle of pouring some rice Krispies into a small bowl when Brie trudged into the kitchen, with her hair messy, and her lips in a pout due to only just getting out of bed.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," I chirped as she lazily trudged past me to grab a bowl from the counter.

She set her bowl next to mine, with a sounding clank from the way it hit against the counter. "Can we go drinking later?" She unexpectedly asked.

Well, that was straight to the point.

"Absolutely we can," I confirmed, as we had just gone out for a few drinks only three days ago. "But... We did only just go Friday."

"Yeah, I know, but like, tomorrow's a public holiday and tonight we could go to a club or even just stay home," She told me as she grabbed the box of cereal once I was finished with it. "And we need to do something because I'm going back home on Wednesday so you gotta cherish my time and treat me as if I'm slowly dying-withering away."

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