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𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐖-𝐅𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑-elvis presley.

  I HAD found myself looking at my phone that was sat beside me on the bed for what seemed to be the millionth time tonight, going back and forth in my mind about whether or not I should send a message to Austin in hopes of clearing things up, as ...

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I HAD found myself looking at my phone that was sat beside me on the bed for what seemed to be the millionth time tonight, going back and forth in my mind about whether or not I should send a message to Austin in hopes of clearing things up, as I replied to more work emails on my laptop.

You know what, maybe I should just message work and tell them I couldn't go in tomorrow. I could say I got run over by a train or was bit by a rat that had an infectious disease and needed to go into urgent care.

Either way would keep me from suffering the embarrassment of facing Austin when I went in tomorrow.

Sighting, I shut my laptop off and stretched across to set it on my bedside table. I shuffled back to my spot in the middle of the bed and fell back against it, my body bouncing up and down a little from the sudden jolt to the mattress.

As I stared up at the dark ceiling, the only thing that I could think about was what had happened between Austin and me.

What if Brie's claim wasn't correct and I was just worrying myself out for nothing. She had only seen Austin and me together for a brief second before she had accidentally interrupted. I mean, it was only her that noticed the so-called moment that we were 'about to kiss', but I must admit, now that I looked back at it, it kind of did appear that way from how close we were to each other. But my intentions didn't lay there, and neither did Austin's- as he had a girlfriend.

His sudden cold demeanour when we were caught didn't surprise me, as that was how he usually acted toward me. So maybe it was just me going all crazy thinking like this and not Austin.

Yeah. That was it. No need to stress.

It sent a wave of relief through my body.

And with that, I shifted around to lay on my front, smooshed my cheek into the pillow, and closed my eyes.


Waking up the next morning was as gruelling as ever. The illuminated writing of four-AM was displayed on my phone's lock screen and burned into my sensitive eyes as I glared at it.

Baz wanted to get most of Austin and I's rehearsal scenes done and dusted and had requested that we come into work earlier this morning so that we could get an early start on them.

Pressing my phone's off button, the limited light that it gave faded away and the darkness that had surrounded me returned.

I was so warm and comfy all cuddled up in my blankets, I really couldn't be bothered to move but I knew I should. It wasn't because I was lazy, its because I was highly motivated to do nothing.

And with a huff, I reluctantly shoved the covers off my body. The warm air that once hugged my bare legs and arms was replaced with the cold air from the AC that I had on during the night. It nipped at my skin and caused goosebumps to rise in its wake.

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