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Here's chapter twenty starting from the morning of last chapter in third person w/ austin's thoughts, Merry Christmas Children 👹

Here's chapter twenty starting from the morning of last chapter in third person w/ austin's thoughts, Merry Christmas Children 👹

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That's what Austin thought of her.

He had woken up in the early hours of the morning with a weighted pressure on his shoulder. He had opened his eyes, brought them down, and was immediately met with the silhouette of Tabitha's body draped loosely against his side. With her leg smoothed over his and her cheek smooshed against his bare shoulder, he could feel the soft breaths she let out as she slept.

It was a strange feeling to be met with after being deserted of it for months. As touchy as his ex-girlfriend was, she had never moved to press up against him in the night and neither did he due to being pushed away one too many times by her after many attempts.

He wasn't going to deny it, but he had missed the feeling of waking up with a warm weight resting on him. It was like a weighted blanket or a shield to protect him from whatever troubles the night held.

After a moment of just laying there, basking in the missed feeling. He had discovered that it was he who had moved across in the night; his body had unconsciously shuffled over to her side and rested his head against her pillow.

It was as if a gravitational pull had brought the two of them together during the night: with Austin as the object, and Tabitha as the desired surface he sinks onto.

It took him a few minutes of just quietly laying there with his eyes closed to soak up the moment before his brain told him to move away from her; he didn't want her to wake up and think that he had done this on purpose, ruining their improvement in their friendship because of this accidental, intimate closeness of their bodies.


It didn't sit well in his mind. But he didn't know why?

It was a funny, little question that hung in the air; but was left unanswered, meaning he had to dwell in the confusing emotion without any clue of what it signified. It got that bad he even searched up on google why his chest felt tight and pressured when he thought of a friendship with her; though the results said he was dealing with heartburn or some sort of heart sickness that was slowly killing him inside. But it honestly did feel like that was the case at this point for him.

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