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       "SHE is the Priscilla to your Elvis

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"SHE is the Priscilla to your Elvis."

Well, this was awkward.

"Hi," Austin greeted, his plush lips pulling up into a forced smile. "I'm Austin."

"Hi, Austin," I replied tightly.

"Hi," He continued and the way he said it sounded like he was secretly mocking me.

I awkwardly glanced at Baz who was still standing beside me, his body slightly angled toward Austin. His grin showed that he was oblivious to the hidden negativity between the other actor and me.

Maybe someone should tell him.

"I believe we've already met," Austin revealed, unknowingly reading my mind. "Weren't you the lady that flipped me off the other night?"

You little bit-

"You did what?" Baz asked me, looking at me with a surprised expression on his smooth face at the information. "You told me you've never met him."

I blinked and my lips parted as I tried to figure out how to explain the situation to him. "Well, I saw him for like two brief seconds and that was it."

Austin stayed silent, only smiling at me sweetly as if he didn't just throw me under the bus.

Baz slowly nodded, his mouth curving up into an awkward smile at the tension whilst he looked between Austin and me. "It's always fun to have some drama on set, hey? I mean, that's what it's all about here- channel the way you're feeling during the angsty scenes," It was obvious he was trying to diffuse the said tension.

I swear, if John Quiñones didn't jump out from behind something and come up to us saying "What would you do?" In the next minute or so then I'm gonna be pissed. Because this had to be some sort of unfunny joke.

My phone that I had tucked in my back pocket started buzzing. If I weren't in such an awkward situation then I would have just ignored it.

"Sorry, I need to take this real quick." I reached behind me and pulled the phone out, looking at the two men apologetically. "It was nice to meet you again, Austin."

"You too, Tabitha," He replied, bowing his head slightly in acknowledgement.

I turned around and made an immediate bee-line for the door. My phone had stopped ringing and I lifted it, the lock screen flashing on in response. A few messages from Brie and a 'Missed call from Brie' had stacked up on the screen.

I read the first text which said 'Oi where did u put the cheerios at'.

I swiped her contact number and pressed the call button. I had made it out of the large room and brought the phone up to my ear.

"Brie, I want to die," Was the first thing I said to her as soon as the call went through.

"That's always nice," Brie had said after a second of silence. "Wait, what happened? Don't tell me you embarrassed yourself in front of Tom Hanks."

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