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  𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓𝐋𝐘 humming a random tune that had been playing on repeat in my head the whole drive home, my car was gradually swallowed into darkness as it drew further into the driveway

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𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓𝐋𝐘 humming a random tune that had been playing on repeat in my head the whole drive home, my car was gradually swallowed into darkness as it drew further into the driveway.

Coming back home was different to leaving it this morning. I felt lighter. Happier. Of course, there was this nagging feeling at the back of my mind which would appear every so often when I thought about my father, but I made a promise to myself earlier to try not to let him weigh me down. Just focus on the good things, Tabs.

I hadn't been in the right headspace this morning to truly think rationally about the situation with my dad, it took a lot of strength to not go ahead and send him a billion messages telling him to gently row row row his boat gently the fuck away from me.

I had Austin to thank for the much-needed distraction.

As my favourite saying goes; "When lemons-no, fuck-When life gives you lemons" Or something. I don't know if that's how it went because I wasn't the bestest at remembering quotes, but you get the gist.

I got out of the car and locked it with a push of the key's button, the wall that faced the vehicle's front flashed a dimmed golden glow in visual response to being locked.

I made my way inside the house and dropped my keys into the tray that sat on a side table by the door. I placed my hand on the surface for balance as I leaned down to take my shoes off, feeling instant relief when they fell to the ground. I kicked them to the side and nudged them into a neat line by the wall with my sock-covered feet since I was too lazy to do it with my hands.


My head perked up.

"Ow! Fuck!"

My eyes widened when I heard the loud shout that had sounded out from the kitchen. My limbs froze and I felt my heart drop right to my ass.

Fuck. Shit. Oh, no. Oh, God.

God! Hello? What the hell do I do? I was never actually serious all those times I joked about getting murdered. Maybe I am about to get murdered. How fun. Time to tick something off my bucket list.

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