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Woah. Omg. Did the writer on Moonshine just post a new chapter? 😧

So. The Queen has died-the second Elizabethan era is over, we're gonna have Charles as king, and the chaotic DWD press conference has happened all in the space of my break.
.. 🧍‍♀️


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    "𝐈'𝐋𝐋 talk to you about this later, Austin," Tabitha said as she ducked her head underneath my outstretched arm that weakly blocked the entrance, my attempt at keeping her here to talk to me failing as she entered the costume department

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"𝐈'𝐋𝐋 talk to you about this later, Austin," Tabitha said as she ducked her head underneath my outstretched arm that weakly blocked the entrance, my attempt at keeping her here to talk to me failing as she entered the costume department.

It was clear she wanted space. So in defeat, my arm dropped down to limply hang by my side and my body turned in her direction. My face twisted into a weak frown as I silently watched her close the door, our eyes staying connected until the door separated us from each other-leaving me with the feeling of confusion and the questions of "what" and "why".

I began to head down the left hallway toward the set-my mind still running wild with thoughts.

What; being the first as I wondered what was wrong with her-what was it that made her feel low today. I couldn't see the usual twinkle of happiness in her blue eyes when she smiled at Baz earlier. It was a forced smile. I could tell because it didn't impact her entire face; usually, it would light up in joy.

And why-- being the leading last question as it danced around my mind. Why did it make her feel like that? Was it because of me and she regretted what we did last night? She said she didn't, but I couldn't tell if she was lying or not.

Or maybe I was just looking too far into this-my insecurity and doubt getting the best of me and convincing me I wasn't enough for her. Because what if she was okay and was simply having a bad day-it wasn't an uncommon occurrence, it happened to all of us every once in a while. I don't understand why I was going so crazy about this, I never usually overthought about anything when it came to women. Normally I was calm and went with the flow. But since knowing Tabitha, I always second-guessed myself; "Did she smile at me? I made her laugh, ", "Act cool, she's looking over", "Does she like my shirt today?", "I hope she likes me."

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