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Song I listened to when writing this chapter;
𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐒-one direction.

  𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 with the beach's salty sillage wafting through the air, it couldn't compare to the way I could heavily smell Austin's scent as we walked down the shoreline together, the close proximity of the two of us just boosting it

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𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 with the beach's salty sillage wafting through the air, it couldn't compare to the way I could heavily smell Austin's scent as we walked down the shoreline together, the close proximity of the two of us just boosting it.

We had been walking in silence for about two minutes now, just trying to get used to each other's presence; an attempt to bask in it in a more positive than negative way.

I really hated the silence-It was itching harshly at my brain, and I desperately needed one of us to say something to get rid of it.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?"Austin asked, taking one for the team by being the one to break the heavy silence.

If being shit-scared to shoot my first ever scene for a movie that depends on my career and my portrayal of the sad love story between two icons with the possibility of letting everyone including the Presley family down with my performance means ready? Then sure.

"I think so. I'm kinda scared, though," I admitted, a little regretful for telling him that in case he started internally laughing at me.

But when I glanced at him, the only look written across his face was far from amusement. He looked interested at my confession, "Scared?"

"Yeah. I keep thinking I'm gonna mess it up," I nodded slowly, doubt still nagging at my mind as I elaborated. "Weren't you scared when you filmed your first scene?" I questioned.

"I was," He confirmed and then glanced at me again. "And I thought I actually did mess the scene up-I thought I did so bad."

Are you kidding me?

"Really?" My brows shot up in disbelief at his confession and I turned my head to look at him. "But it turned out so good."

I had made Baz show me the footage from the Hayride scene yesterday, and honestly, I wished that I was there when they were filming it. The way Austin had fully delved himself into embodying Elvis during the performance had me shocked, I couldn't look away from the screen it was that amazing.

"Exactly. All this doubt and fear-it's all in your head," He let out and a soft smile slowly started to caress his face. "Baz wouldn't have picked you if he didn't see something shining within you. You just gotta let that light inside of you shine big and bright-I know you can do it because I've seen it."

Let my light shine big and bright.

My brows furrowed together as I thought about what he had said. He was-and I can't believe I'm saying this-but... Right. Hearing someone else tell me that brought my nerves down a heap, and it was oddly comforting to know that I was in the same position that he was in mentally.

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