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   𝐈𝐓 was around nine-thirty when I finally got home from the Light Festival

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𝐈𝐓 was around nine-thirty when I finally got home from the Light Festival. The buzz of adrenaline from the event was still faintly pulsing through my body as I got out of the car.

But as I walked further into the house, I could feel the exhaustion gradually creeping up to take over with every step I took toward the kitchen.

To say I was surprised with the outcome of Austin and I's time together tonight was an underestimate. Sure, I fully expected us to argue and bicker a lot, but I never would have thought that it would have led us to resolving our issues.

Tonight's friendly exchange between Austin and me after our little argument on the Ferris Wheel didn't change the way I felt about him just like that. I still wanted to strangle myself with whatever I could find whenever he opened his mouth to say something... just a little less now.

I say that was progress.

It didn't mean everything between us was just going to go smoothly from here on out. We still had to try and get over the wall we had created between us, which was gonna take a little bit of time, but I could sense that we weren't far off from getting over it if we pushed our negativity away like how we had done after our confessions on the Ferris Wheel.

I couldn't believe that silly sausage brought me up onto the Ferris Wheel to get me out of the growing crowd of people, even if that meant being faced with his fear. The poor thing was shaking like a leaf when we were stuck up there, and to pass the time, I had asked him to show me some of the pictures he took on his camera.

I had moved across the carriage and sat down next to him when he nodded his head in a timid 'yes', before taking the strap off from around his neck and holding the camera in between us.

The photos were honestly so impressive, and he captured the moments inside the gardens very beautifully. With each photo, he would explain the reason behind the angle and shot he chose and tell me how it made him feel.

Though when he pressed the button to go onto another picture, he had quickly pulled the camera away from my view as if he were hiding something from me, a red flush dancing on his cheeks as he did so, before bringing the camera back down for me to look at.

I actually had a fun kind of night with Austin-which I never thought would happen-and I'm glad things between us had somewhat settled.

I set my bag on the counter and turned to the fridge, opening both of the doors in search of something yummy to eat. I couldn't find anything that piqued my interest so I closed the fridge doors.

And when I turned around, my heart jumped out of my chest and I flinched at the unexpected sight of Brie standing behind the kitchen island, as I hadn't heard her come in.

"How was it?" She inquired and grinned at me.

I chewed on my bottom lip as my mind travelled back, a small smile found it's way to my face and I shrugged lightly, "We yelled at each other when the Ferris Wheel stopped moving."

𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄  | a. butlerWhere stories live. Discover now