chapter three.

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I swung open the front door to find a very attractive boy standing infont of me. I glazed my eyes over his prefectly sculpted body and then looked up at his gorgeous face.

"Um hi." his voice made me jump and I snapped out of my daydream.

"Hello" I said.

"Is this Luca and Adams house?"

"Yes, and you are?" I gave him a confused frown.

"Jamie. Er I don't meant to sound rude but can I come in please? Luca invited me."

"Ah yeah sure. sorry, its just I don't know you." I stepped back to let him in. What was wrong with me? after what happened when I was younger it was not like me to answer strangers. I had a flashback and shook my head, covering my eyes with my palm.

"You okay?" Jamie's voice interrupted me but before I could reply Luca barged in.

"Jamie! I see you met my little sis, this is Zara." Luca wrapped me into his arms.

"Yeah, we met." Jamie replied smiling at us both.

"So you ready to go?" Luca asked and Jamie nodded. "Zara we're just out by the pool, call me if you need anything."

Luca walked out the kitchen and Jamie followed, flipping me a nice smile before leaving.

I then realised I had been in a pair of trackies and a strappy tee and ran back up to my bedroom. I put on a small blue bikini and pulled on a white summer dress over the top. I crossed the room to my dressing table and looking in the mirror I scraped my hair into a messy ponytail. There was no need for make up if I was going to the pool. I went back to the other side of my room, slipped on a pair of white sandals and left.

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