chapter nineteen.

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"NO! DONT TOUCH ME!" I screamed and thrashed at my villian before falling off something and hitting the ground with a heavy thud. Whatever just happened seemed to wake me up abruptly and I found myself on my bedroom floor. There was a knock at my door and I heaved myself back onto my bed.

"Come in." I say groggily, expecting Luca or Adam but Jamie walks into my room in a pair of hollister trackies and shirtless. I stare at his six pack before shaking my head from my reverie.

"I heard you screaming and then something bang so I just wondered if everything is alright?" He asked, standing in the doorway. Then I heard another familiar voice.

"Hey Zara, its okay, im here and youre safe." Adam. A very sleepy looking Adam. He walked in my room, looking down at the floor and rubbing his eyes, oblivious to Jamie being in here, when I dont answer he looks up, looking from me then Jamie and back again.

"Oh shit." He mutters.

"Is everything okay?" Jamie asks, once again he looks very confused.

"Yeah everythings uh, fine. But, what are you doing in my sisters bedroom?"

"I heard her scream and then a bang so I came in to check on her."

"Oh. Well why was there a bang what happened?"

"I fell off the bed." I mutter in embarrassment.

"Oh, well youre okay now Zee, you want me to stay with you till you sleep?"

"No, im good thanks." He smiles at me and leaves the room, obviously not caring about Jamie.

"Zara, im worried. Youre always having these talks with your brothers and your jumpy and theyre constantly worried about you. Whats going on?"

"Oh nothing, im fine." I look down at my legs.

"I wont press, but you know that im here for you okay? We havnt known each other for long but I love being around you and I worry about you just as much as Luca and Adam does although they obviously know more than I do."

"Its sweet of you to care, and I love that you do but." I take a breath, "I just dont have the trust and reassurance that I need at this moment. My er- situation you could call it - is too hard for me to talk about."

"No, I understand Zara." He walks over to me and sits on the edge of my bed. He tucks a tendril of hair behind my ear before leaning down to whisper in it.

"Go to sleep."

I tuck myself down and close my eyes and he stays sitting right next to me. I feel comforted that hes beside me and I fall into a happy slumber.

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