
15 2 1

February 17th, 2015


Dear Hillary,

So you know how I said I would be on a diet of sorts and writing all today?

I have so self restraint.

I ate loads and played games and watched YouTube until just now. I'm so stupid xD

Also, since my competition, I've been getting really bad headaches. They're almost immobilizing at some points. It feels like someone's hammering into the side of my head.

Nonetheless, I push on. Im going to write until I can't (it's currently 2 in the morning) and hopefully get something going again. Sometimes I'm really disappointed in myself. I think there's no end to the happiness I need, so I binge on TV and YouTube and food until I think I'm full, but by doing that and not writing or dieting or exercising, I'm letting myself down.

I'll try, but I've not ever succeeded thus far.

Mel xx

Don't start unbelieving. Never dont not feel your feelings xD

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