
26 2 1

April 15 - 19, 2015


Dear Hillary,

So I had scheduling for next year today, and you know how I was so persistent on not having select choir again?

Yeah. There was nothing else I wanted to torture myself, so now I want to cry

And my friend just invited herself over for a sleepover on Friday so

And math just got infinitely harder so

And I haven't started writing another imagine yet so

I'm a failure

. . .

That was the 16th, and later that day I still didn't get to write anything lol

Then on Friday, it was rainy and gross but I wore a cute shirt so that was fun

Then yesterday, Saturday, I was supposed to wake up at 5:30 to take my antibiotics, but I didn't lol

We got new cabinets and I think I got so many splinters getting them into my house ugh xD

I got to beat rugs with a stick, which I've never done, but then I accidentally broke the stick in half D:

Then I woke up this morning to take my medicine at 5:30 EW and then I couldn't fall asleep again until 6. I woke up to go to church but we are so late bc my dad made me fill out my papers for camp this year when I really didn't want to

But other than that, today I'm going to sleep, as usual.

I was wondering on the way here, is depression only so 'popular' because of a lack of faith? Like thinking that nothing will get better because of lack of faith in God? If so then I'm going to hell xD

Anyway, sorry I haven't been keeping up. But I'm really glad that you're doing good and that you made another Dear Melody <3

Melody xx

Another day, another penny. That's how much I earn lol

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