February 26 and 27, 2015 because i didn't do it lol
So on Thursday, I was a little happier, I think. I don't know why, I just was. That's good :) I honestly don't remember anything from that day other than we went to the store for my friend's present.
Today I had a better day at school. It almost feels like I didn't even go xD Afterwards I hung out with my bae Mary and we watched some cute shows, and then I went to my friend's surprise birthday party. I know her from church, so all of her school friends were there, and I felt left out. Luckily, there were other people from my church there, too.
so we chilled and jammed, but overall I would have been happier staying home and writing. i don't like parties, especially when it's just like 'oh make friends and do whatever.' Take me roller skating! Bowling! but not sitting at home! Although their house is amazing, so I had fun with that part.
I got home at 11 ish, and I made a schedule for tomorrow (saturday) so I can get a lot of work done.
i went to bed at 8:30 last night, though. I felt like absolute crap, and that's why I didn't post anything xD
So yeah, I have to get up at 6 to take a shower, and it's almost 2 D:
Talk to you again, soon, Hillary, and maybe tomorrow I'll make a special entry on my crush candidates (there's a lot xD)
Mel xx
Dear Hillary
Short Storyletters to Hillary about my how sucky my life can be (daily journal)