Destination Dinohenge

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Elouise POV                                                          

I walked into Buzz Blast looking for my childhood best friend Amelia Jones to see if she had been able to convince our boss Jane to let us report on Dinohenge. "Hey Ami" I said with a smile as I spotted her coming down the stairs from Jane's office "Hey Els Jane agreed to let us report on Dinohenge" Amelia practically screamed at me "Wait seriously she's okay with it" I couldn't contain my excitement we had wanted to do a report on Dinohenge for ages, "Yeah however she wants a factual report nothing to do with a ghost or any freaky stuff," Amelia told me "and we will give her a factual report by finding proof of the existence of Ghosts" I replied with a smile as Amelia grabbed her stuff "Oh and we're taking my car not your little scooter," I told her as we exited Buzz Blast only to receive a laugh in response as we climbed into my car

 "Hey Ami" I said with a smile as I spotted her coming down the stairs from Jane's office "Hey Els Jane agreed to let us report on Dinohenge" Amelia practically screamed at me "Wait seriously she's okay with it" I couldn't contain my excitement we...

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"You gonna put your phone on the aux," I asked even though I knew she was gonna do it "Did you even need to ask" she immediately answered which caused us to both start laughing even though we both had no idea why. After an hour and a half, we arrived at the entrance to the forest "You ready Ami?" I asked while grabbing my vlog camera and tripod from my bag and started setting it up "I've been ready forever we finally get to report on Dinohenge do you realize that we may finally be able to prove that ghosts are real like imagine how popular our report would be" she rambled on "I know it would be amazing" I cut her off as we both finish setting up our equipment. "Let's go" we both yelled before setting off into the trees "This is it Buzz Blasters I and Elouise are finally going to prove the existence of ghost," Amelia said into the camera on top of her Spook snare when we both heard rustling from in between the trees "Uh what was that," I asked turning my camera to face where I heard the noise as the noise got louder until something came into our view. I cautiously walked over only for Amelia to shoot a net at the thing which turned out to be a guy about our age on his bike who started yelling for help "oh my god I'm so sorry here ill deactivate it" Amelia quickly told him before accidentally hitting the button that turned the shocking system "Wrong button Ami "I told her between laughs "Are you ok" She asked as the boy got up "Boy that thing really stings" he told Amelia before he started patting the dirt off himself "Oh c'mon it can't have been that bad" however as Amelia said that she shocked herself "Ouch uh I mean I hardly felt a thing" The boy scoffed at her before turning back to his bike "What are you two doing netting people" he asked "We are reporters doing a story for Buzz Blast, What are you doing out here" I asked the boy "Online reviews said it was a great place for zaps so I'm giving it 5 stars" he said before looking at his phone "great now I'm late, now which way is it. I told mum we shouldn't have split up now how am I going to find Dinohenge" he said to himself looking around "Dinohenge that's where we are going and I'm sure we have a map" I told him looking at Amelia as she grabbed our map from her bag before she looked at it "Its this way" Amelia said walking off "I'm Ollie by the way" The boy Ollie said awkwardly "this is Elouise and I'm Amelia so what's your deal I mean your obviously not here for Zaps" Amelia told him as I smiled at him "Mum and I just moved to Pine Ridge she's an archaeologist and wants to uncover some of the history" He told us which explains why he's going to dinohenge "Well you're in luck this place is full with crazy history see for yourself" I said as we showed him dinohenge for the first time "incredible where did they come from" He questioned "Nobody knows "Amelia said dragging out the knows to sound spooky "Amazing aren't they, these carvings of dinosaurs could be millions of years old" a woman said who I guessed to be Ollie's mum "who would of been around to make these" Ollie asked as he and Amelia examined one of the 7 statues while I walked over to the woman "I'm Dr. Akana" Ollie's mum told me "I'm Elouise this is my friend Amelia we are reporters doing a story on Dinohenge" I told the woman shaking her hand "fantastic to meet you both your first day here and you've already made some friends I like them" Dr Akana said turning to her son "Heh that's because they didn't catch you with a net " Ollie told his mum which confused her "Anyway what are you doing" Amelia asked obviously wanting to forget netting Ollie "I'm going to use my Scanner which is attached to my drone to scan Dinohenge to see if it can decipher anything about where the statues came from" Dr Akana told Amelia as she turned her drone on and started scanning while Amelia came over to me and Ollie in the middle of the statues as the drone was scanning the ground started to shake and 3 of the dinosaurs eyes started glowing one blue, one pink and one white "Uh is it just me or are the dinosaurs eyes glowing" I asked thinking it was my imagination running wild only to receive 2 nods in return at least I'm not going crazy I thought as I tried to balance myself before the shaking abruptly stopped "Everyone ok" Dr. Akana asked to which she got a bunch of yeahs in return "Did the drone find anything mum" I heard Ollie ask as he and Amelia went to look "it seems like there is some kind of chamber underground Dinohenge" Ollie's mum told us as she pointed to something on her laptop, I looked down at my feet before asking "Right here underneath us, a chamber?" causing her to nod just as I was about to ask another question I heard Warden Garcia stomping over to yell at us for being here "Oh great Warden Buzzkill" me and Amelia muttered to the other 2 "Good afternoon Warden Buzzkill I'm Dr. Lani Akana from the global association of archaeology" Dr Akana said walking over to the Warden "Its warden Garcia actually and you don't have permission to be out here" He told her "But warden we're doing a story" Amelia and I tried to explain before he cut us off "Save it Miss Jones I don't care if you and Miss Harris are reporters or the Queen of England your trespassing. So, pack up, oh and I'll need you to come back to the park HQ and file a report" He told Lani "Happy to comply" She answered before following the Warden while quickly telling Ollie to Pack up and meet her in the city. Once they were out of sight Ollie turned to us "So you Pissed of the Warden once huh? " He asked "Once Twice" Amelia Started "17 times" I finished for her with a laugh at Ollie's reaction "Yeah he's not a fan of ghost hunters" Amelia told Ollie "Ghost hunters are you serious you mean to say you shot a net at me because you thought I was a ghost" Ollie asked in disbelief "Well it was hard to see and you poncho" Amelia rambled "Okay maybe I did but come on your mum's an archaeologist you've been in tombs, crypts, catacombs you must have seen a ghost" she continued rambling only for Ollie to cut her "Never" I decided to join the conversation "Wait never ever" I asked "Nope because ghost don't exist you ever found any proof" He asked us before continuing to put away the equipment "well proof is hard to come by as ghost aren't exactly lining up for pictures" Amelia tried to reason before joining him in turning off some more equipment "But why should we explain ourselves your clearly close-minded" I heard Ami say causing me to giggle "Close-minded try rational, rational people do not believe in things without scientific evidence" Ollie defended himself before helping Amelia wheel the cart with the equipment on towards me "Well I guess we're gonna have to agree to disagree then" Ami started only to have Ollie to add "Strongly disagree" before they both let go of the cart. Suddenly we heard some kind of whooshing sound and a purple being with some kind of device had somehow teleported behind one of the statues which caused the 3 of us to hide "Are those dinosaur statues, interesting" the figure said to himself before his device announced that an energy source had been detected which cause him to destroy the floor creating a stairway and heading down I decided to follow and apparently so did Amelia "Where are you going" He whisper asked us "we're following it why not afraid are you" I told him "Uh of course not I've been in plenty of weird places" I heard him say "Well then let's go" Amelia told us and it was obvious she was just as nervous as Ollie. When we reached the bottom of the stairway, we entered a chamber which must have been what Lani's scanner had found "Wow look at this place" Ollie muttered in awe "wait till our boss sees our report on Dinohenge Ami" I told her. This would certainly be a popular story and Jane would love us for it, I noticed some kind of statue that looked a little like a chess piece we were about to continue looking around when we spotted the weird purple guy again and quickly hid behind something "Where is that energy source I know it's in here somewhere" The purple figure kept muttering before a door opened and some kind of creature started trying to turn something on "Tell me old lizard where is the energy source hidden" He questioned while pointing his sword at the lizard "First of all I'm a dinosaur, Secondly Old how rude" the Dino stated "Do not play games with me, I'm void knight and you are no match for my power" He told the Dinosaur "I'm not but he is" they said before trying to awake what looked to be a red power ranger "A power ranger" Void knight stated before he slashed the control panel well that confirms that then I thought. I started looking around trying to find anything that would help when I noticed 6 sabers on the wall, I ran over to grab one and quickly ran over to the pair just in time as Void knight had gone to attack "Leave the old dinosaur alone" I told him as Ollie grabbed another saber and pushed him away before one of Amelia's nets caught him "This may come as a shock but no one likes a bully" Amelia said as she turned on the shocking system. Me and Ollie quickly ran over to her before the Dinosaur came back "That won't hold him long use this key in one of the sabers and the hengemen will fight for you" she said before throwing some kind of key at us but before we could grab it Void knight grabbed it and used it in his own saber "A new toy how fun" he said while activating it and the stone statues came to life and prepared to fight us "Bad vibes" I heard Amelia mutter as the hengemen started advancing on us "Any ideas" Ollie asked "I've done 3 years of karate" Amelia stated "Yeah me too and 6 years of fencing" Ollie counted "Ok so you want to take the lead" I told him which earned me a what in response "Pathetic, Deal with them" I heard void knight Command and of course we were attacked by the hengemen I quickly flipped over the one coming at me before slashing it from behind and blocking another coming at me before kicking it into a wall "Let me know if you need any help" I heard Ollie shout "I was gonna say the same thing "I responded before stabbing one and knocking a couple over "Ami you good?" I asked my best friend "Yep fine" She replied before knocking a few into a wall I grabbed another and tried to use it as a shield before it threw me back into the middle of the room along with Amelia and Ollie "well this was fun" Amelia said, "Was it though?" I question her when suddenly our sabers started glowing mine a bright white, Amelia's was a bright pink and Ollie's a bright Blue "Uh guys are your sabers glowing too" Amelia asked "Yup" I quickly replied "Yeah what's with that" Ollie Questioned before the bright colours washed over our bodies to the arm without the saber and some kind of dinosaur thing was on our wrists "What is that?" Amelia asked "Here have these the Dino from before shouted before throwing 3 keys the same 3 colours our sabers started glowing, we quickly put the keys in the slots of the wrist thingies when some blue web looking thing washed over us turning us into Power rangers? wait what "Were power rangers" Ollie told us "Emphasis on power you're in big trouble now" Amelia told the hengemen "Tear them apart" Void knight commanded scaring me as I somehow managed to forget he was here. The hengemen charged at us but we all managed to slip out of the way I grabbed onto some shelves and pushed them into the 3 hengemen following me "Cool costumes, cool powers what else do we get" Amelia asked Ollie "If you watch the news Zords" Ollie said Excitedly before they both rejoined the fight me and Amelia double-teamed a one when we saw the red ranger join the fight, we quickly ran over to him. "Where did you get that armour from," The red ranger asked "It doesn't matter it mine now just like the Sporix" Void knight told him What the bloody hell is a sporix "Whatever Sporix are their bad right," Ollie asked the red ranger "Very bad" He confirmed "Bad for you good for me" Void knight stated before charging at red and once again the fight resumed, this time however we were able to destroy a couple of hengemen when the sporix were unleashed "This isn't over," Void knight told us as he left the cave destroying the rubble so we couldn't follow "Get back here" red yelled trying to follow him "So that was wild" Amelia huffed still out of breath from the fight "Yeah I got pretty good with this thing," Ollie said before the 3 of us powered down "Cool," I told them "Can you believe it we're power rangers," Ollie said excitedly "I definitely didn't expect this to happen today" Amelia laughed "Whoa," I said as our morphers changed into a watch like thing. The red ranger powered down "I'm Zayto and this is my wise friend Solon" he told us pointing to the dinosaur "Greetings" The dinosaur Solon greeted as Ollie stepped forward "Well I'm Ol-" however Zayto cut him off "Ollie, a rational logical adventurer and scientist and your Amelia an imaginative and unstoppable truth seeker, and you your Elouise a Smart, caring but sometimes reckless adrenaline junkie" Zayto let go of my arm "How'd you know that" I asked intrigued "He's showing off beings from his planet can read minds" Solon told us now that's cool "I'm not showing off I'm just making sure it still works, How long was I in the stasis pod for" Zayto asked Solon "a very long time I'm afraid more than 65 million years" Solon told him "Million" he repeated in disbelief "Hey you look great for 65 million" Amelia tried to lighten his mood "I think we both are" Solon stated "So if Zayto is an extra-terrestrial does that make you a" I started but couldn't find the words to finish "a cyborg dinosaur" Ollie finished for me "Yes a solanosaurus but I was badly wounded in an ancient battle against the sporix, you should tell them Zayto" She told us "65 million years ago the sporixs were unleashed on my home planet rafkon they hatched into ferocious beasts, I led the knights of rafkon fighting to defend our home but we were not strong enough and the sporix beasts ravaged my planet leaving few survivors but their thirst for destruction could not be satisfied and they left rafkon searching for their next target planet earth but we followed them determined to eradicate the sporixs we fought alongside the dinosaurs to save earth however with each battle the sporix grew stronger until finally they grew giant. we were forced to retreat it seemed earth would be lost too until the legendary morphing masters arrived, ageless beings with untold power, they were here to help us. I'd heard of the morphing grid before but I had no idea how strong it was. The morphing grid bonded us with the spirits of the dinosaurs, Then the morphing masters gave us our mission, to defend the earth against the evil sporix, they gave us zords to help us fight the gigantic sporixs" Me, Ollie and Amelia looked at each other not knowing what to say "So with the Zords help you beat the sporix beast right?" Ollie spoke up "you did win right I mean you're still here to tell the story" Amelia added on "It wasn't the kind of victory you celebrate, we captured the sporix in this chest but my friends, the other knights, they were lost" this poor guy I thought "Zayto and I tried everything to destroy the sporix but it was impossible all we could do was keep them hidden and guarded" Solon told us as we walked over to the chest where the sporix were kept "So you've been here ever since" I summarized "Yes it's my mission to ensure the sporix never get loose in the universe again and today I failed" Zayto told us obviously disappointed that he had failed "and all because of this void knight, why would he want the sporix" Solon wondered aloud Zayto turned to us "I hate to think but right now we need to find them and get them back they will hide and hibernate until one by one they hatch into sporix beasts. There are dozens and dozens of them and all they know is destruction, they must be stopped. Your planet is in grave danger and we are the only ones who can save it but first things first your gonna need some training are you ready." I smiled "are you kidding" Ollie said "Just tell us what to do" Amelia added and I nodded

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