The Matchmaker

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Javi's Pov

Izzy had asked us rangers to join her for her first training session for support and everyone except Elouise had said they could come which confused everyone since she always seemed to make time for stuff like this "Hey, Can two of you set up some cones over that way and another two set up cones on the other side in the same formation as the 1st one?" She asked as she pointed to the set of cones she already made up before motioning to two spaces on her left and right the four of us nodded and split into pairs with Ollie and Zayto going to the left leaving me and Amelia to the right as Izzy walked back over to Fern who had offered to help to set up the final set of cones. "Is there something going on with Izzy and Fern?" Amelia asked me as she observed the two joking around "I think so but Izzy hasn't said anything to me probably because of our dad" I stated as I placed another cone down "Your dad?" Amelia questioned "Uh yeah he doesn't really approve of Izzy dating as he's worried it will distract her from practice" I mimicked making Amelia laugh "Are you serious" She scoffed "Yeah and Izzy hates when dad disapproves of something she does since it doesn't happen that often, Whereas for me that's pretty much everyday" I admitted before awkwardly laughing, Amelia mumbled something under her breath "What was that?" I questioned her "Oh uh well" Amelia stumbled "Oh come on Amelia what is it" I slightly pushed "I can't say" She pushed back I looked down at my water bottle "Tell me or I'll pour my water over you" I jokingly pushed which actually made her give in "Is that why you haven't properly asked Elouise out yet?" Amelia asked "uhhhh" I stuttered "It is isn't it" Amelia accused "pretty much" I revealed causing her to sigh "God damn it why is she always right" Amelia laughed "Uh what?" I asked her incredibly confused "I tried to get Elouise to ask you out since you wouldn't but she said she wouldn't do that because she had a feeling that your dad wouldn't approve since he isn't her biggest fan and she didn't want to cause you any more trouble" Amelia surprisingly revealed before laughing at my reaction "You're both ridiculous" She muttered "I thought we were talking about Izzy and Fern" I groaned "We were but Elouise isn't here so as her best friend I asked" She stated "Fair enough" I accepted her answer, she laughed as she began walking back towards the others making me sigh before following her back as I noticed more people joining us and getting ready to start

Elouise's Pov

1 hour and 15 minutes Earlier

I arrived at my new house so that I could go over last-minute details with my designer before I finally move in "Hi Sairah nice to see you again?" I greeted her as I spotted her waiting by the entrance "Hey Elouise It's been a while, So shall we take a look around before we go over everything?" She asked as she shook my hand "Yes please" I smiled making her lead the way around the building

1 hour later

We walked into the dining room "So what do you think?" She asked me as we both sat down "It's perfect like exactly how I imagined it" I praised her "Glad you like it, I've had my team working overtime to get it done for you" She informed me "You didn't have to do that" I told her "nonsense, I've done a few projects for your parents before and I know what your mums like when it comes to things like this" She laughed "Good point" I admitted "Now back to business if we keep this schedule up then you'll be able to move in before Halloween" She informed me causing me to let out a relief sigh "Thank god I can't wait to get out of my mum's house" I admitted causing her to smile. "Well I better go I have a bunch of boxes to finish packing," I told her as I started to get more excited "Alright let me know if you need my help with anything, and I mean anything," She told me as we exited the house "Thanks Sairah, I'll see you soon" I smiled at her as I got in my car as she said goodbye before walking back to her own car. I was driving when I realized that the others would have finished Izzy's training session so I decided to call her "Hey how'd training go?" I asked her once she picked up "Hey it went well and it was so much easier than I thought it would be but I'm glad you called I need your help" she informed me as her tone became nervous "Is everything ok whats up?" I asked worried "It's nothing bad I just need help with something" She informed me "Ok shoot," I told her "So I asked Fern out yesterday" she revealed "I'm guessing she said yes" I assumed "Yeah she did but now I need help picking the perfect date," she told me "Ok so what Ideas do you have?" I asked her "I was thinking something fun but casual like bowling, the theme park, or the movies" She listed "What about Mini golf?" I suggested "Ooo good idea but is there one nearby?" She asked "Yeah there is one next to the bowling and laser tag place in the shopping center" I informed her "Ok so do I need to buy tickets in advance or can I pay on the day," She asked "just go in on the day," I told her "Okay thanks" She breathed out in relief "No problem what day are you going?" I questioned her "day after tomorrow" She happily told me "you nervous?" I asked her causing her to groan which made me laugh "Shut up" She mumbled, "Aww come on, is this your first date?" I asked her "Yeah it is and I'm really worried" She admitted, "Izzy just chill and be yourself If Fern didn't like you she wouldn't have said yes, right?" I tried to calm her down "That's true, I guess" She breathed "the others are finished tidying up so I gotta go" she told me "bye-bye" I said as I ended the call before pulling up the drive off my mum's house to finish packing.

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