The knockout

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Amelia's Pov

At Buzzblast

Elouise and myself were sat at one of the desks planning out our next set of videos while waiting to meet up with Izzy "So" I started pulling Elouise's attention away from her work "So?" She echoed "So what's up with you and Javi?" I asked causing her to roll her eyes "You've already asked me this and my answer is still the same" She told me "Yeah right you both act like your dating " I smirked "If something happened between the two of us, I would have told you by now" She groaned "Ok I believe you" I smirked as I notice Izzy walk in "Hey Izzy over here" I called out "Hey guys you ready to go?" Izzy asked "I just need to give this to Jay to edit" Elouise said as she held up her usb with her video on before walking over to the editing booths "So did you get her to say anything about Javi" Izzy asked me "No luck you?" I sighed "Nah he keeps dodging the question" She groaned "Why won't they just admit that they like each other" I groaned "they will soon" Izzy guessed "What we talking about?" Elouise asked as she re-joined us "I was just asking Amelia for advice on something" Izzy told her "Ok ready to go?" Elouise asked surprising Izzy with how quickly she dropped the previous conversation "Yeah let's go" I said grabbing my bag and the 3 of us heading out to meet up with the guys.

Elouise's Pov

"Hey" Izzy greeted the boys as we at our destination "Where are we anyway?" Zayto asked "So you know how we told you that the dinosaurs are extinct" Amelia said gently as she brought up the topic of the dinosaurs to him "Yes" Zayto responded dragging out the s "Well we are at the dinosaur museum that's just opened up in town" Izzy told him "What's a museum?" Zayto asked again "it's a place that shows off artistic, cultural or scientific things to the public and allows them to learn about the past" I tried to explain earning a nod from him as we walked up to the entrance of the museum and getting tickets and entering the building "Where do you wanna start?" Javi asked "There is a T-rex skeleton over there" Amelia pointed out "or a Triceratops skeleton over that way" Ollie added "Well we seem to all want to go to different areas so how about we split up go to whichever area we want and meet up in an hour for food?" I suggested which earned me a few nods as Izzy and Zayto headed over to the T-rex while Amelia and Ollie headed towards the Triceratops leaving me and Javi alone "Looks like it's you and me" I laughed as he smirked "Apparently so" He agreed "Where do you wanna go?" We both asked at the same time causing us to start laughing again "Where do you want to go?" Javi asked again "The Iguanodon seems cool" I stated "The Iguanodon it is" he smiled as we headed for the section we were looking for "Hey uh did Izzy ask you anything weird before she met up with me and Amelia earlier?" I asked after a couple minutes of silence "uh she kind of asked if anything was uh going on between you and me" he admitted awkwardly which caused me to smile "Don't worry Amelia asked me the same thing" I told him "Really?" He asked "Yeah apparently we act like a couple" I stated "We don't act like a couple, do we?" Javi wondered causing me to stop "I dunno do we?" I rebuffed his question "Uh I mean we have a lot in common and I mean we do sometimes go places without the others, I guess we kinda do always stand next to each other and we're always very touchy with each other" javi listed off "Oh shit we do act like a couple" I realized "Should I be offended by your reaction" Javi asked "No not at all" I assured him "So if I" Javi started only to get cut off by our communicators beeping "Over there" I told him pointing to a small crevice before the 2 of us quickly made our way to hide "All clear" Javi said as he kept a lookout "What's up Solon?" I asked her "Sporix beast on the beach" she informed me "Ok thanks Solon" I told her cutting of the connection "Let's go" Javi told me as we both teleported to the beach and met up with the others "Took your time" Izzy remarked with a smirk as the 6 of us turned to the sporix which seemed to be some kind of a snake I'm not really sure "That's one ugly motherfucker" I stated causing the Sporix to grunt "Dino Fury key, Activate, link to morphing grid" we chorused as we morphed "T-rex fury red ranger" Zayto announced before slashing his sabre around "Ptera fury white ranger" I called out following Zayto's slashing movements "Tricera fury blue ranger" Ollie announced from beside Izzy before Slashing his sabre in what I know was the same type of movements as usual and then Amelia called out "Ankylo fury pink ranger" Before she did the slashing once again "Tiger fury green ranger" Izzy yelled as she too slashed her sabre around "Stego fury black ranger" Javi finished the roll call once again while doing his slashes "Dino Fury power" We all yelled as the Sporix spat a weird green acid at us, unfortunately Izzy and Amelia didn't have time to dodge out of the way and both fell to the ground "What the hell?" Ollie exclaimed as the 4 of us rushed to check on the pair "You guys, ok?" I asked as I picked Amelia up only to be met by silence "Amelia" I tried again as I started to shake her but got nothing in response "Any luck with Izzy?" Ollie asked as we both looked towards Zayto and Javi "No nothing" Zayto informed us as Javi continued trying to wake Izzy "Wait a minute what happened to the sporix beast" I spoke up as I realized that there had been no attack on us "The sporix retreated?" Zayto announced confused "That doesn't matter right now we need to get these two back to the base" Ollie told us as we stood up with Amelia in my arms and Izzy in Javi's before we teleported out of there

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