Super Hotshot

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Izzy's Pov
The 6 of us had decided to go running in the hills for training "Come on, guys! Three, two, and done." I told the group as we finished the workout "Whoo! That felt so great! Man, I feel so strong, like I could lift anything! Does anyone need something carried?" Amelia energetically asked us "I do. Carry me, home, please." Ollie panted causing Amelia and Elouise to laugh "Dream on, buddy." I told him as I joined in with their laughter "Do you do this workout every day?" Zayto quizzed me as I noticed Elouise move away from where she was standing next to Javi which confused me "Yep, even school days. But you guys did amazing. Oh! Hey, Dad." I called out as I noticed my dad nearing the group and realising why Elouise had moved away "Hey, you lot. So, I found a brochure for Hotshots Gym on my desk. You don't know, how it got there, do you?" My dad asked me as he gave a judgy glance toward Elouise "uh, Co-worker put it there.?" I tried though I knew he knew it was me "They also put it in my sock drawer... and in my sandwich. I thought it was cheese, but then I realised I never put cheese in my sandwiches, so... what's up with this?" He continued as he held up another brochure "Dad, that's Coach Bella's gym. She's the best sports trainer around - a legend." Javi jumped in to help me "So, training is a little pricey, but the first session is free. I'm wondering - can I possibly get an advance on my allowance?" I pleaded "I suppose it could take your athletic skills to the next level, but I don't know." My dad told me as he weighed out the pros and cons "But look at these puppy dog eyes." I pouted at him probably looking like a 4-year-old "Dad's more of a cat guy." Javi reminded me "Oh. Um... Meow" I awkwardly said causing dad to chuckle "Okay. Try it out. If you think it's worth it, I'll pay you for the membership." Dad relented as he smiled "Yes! Ah, thanks, Dad." I cheered "Sounds like a fun challenge. I think I'll join you. Anyone else?" Zayto said as he looked at the brochure before looking at the rest of us "I'll stick to Motocross thank you very much" Elouise told us as she held her hands up "I'd love to, but after this workout, I think I need a nap. Set an alarm to wake me up... in three years." Ollie dramatically said as he looked at his new watch causing us to laugh " Quit flexing your new smartwatch, dude." Amelia said rolling her eyes at him "Psht! Peanut butter and jealous." Ollie smirked causing Amelia to shove him.

The next day

At the Gym

Me and Zayto arrived at the Gym 10 minutes before training was supposed to start " Come on! I can't wait to get started!" I excitedly said as I dragged Zayto into the reception of the gym "Whoa, fancy." Zayto stated as he looked around just as Fern walked over to us "Izzy, it's so great to see you." Fern told me "Hola, Fern. We haven't hung out since you dropped Spanish class. How's your ankle?" I asked her "My ankle is good as new, thanks." She smiled as a new boy ran into the gym "Has Coach Bella's class started yet? I'm not too late, am I?" He asked us as he caught his breath "No, you're fine. I'm Izzy. This is Zayto and Fern. We'll be sweatin' with ya." I told him as I introduced the 3 of us "Well, I'm Adrian. So, are we gonna win some medals. after this, or what?" He excitedly said as he finally got his breath back "With Coach Bella training us, fingers crossed." I told him with a smile as Coach Bella jogged over "That's what I like to hear. Whaddup, Hotshots? Welcome to your free trial! I'm Coach Bella, and you... you look like the star athletes of tomorrow. Give yourself a round of applause. The fact you're here puts you way ahead of your competition. As you can see, my gym is top of the line and is my outdoor training. But to do this, I need three things - commitment, commitment, commitment and commitment. Oh. Actually, I mean four things. Anyway, if you decide to join my gym, I am fully committed to helping each of you achieve your athletic goals. Whoo! Let's get this party started!" Coach Bella enthusiastically cheered causing the rest of us to cheer as we got ready to do some warm-ups "Ok great and change. Lean in. That's it. Great job. Give me 10 more. Nice form! You over there! That's it! Nice form! Keep working hard" Coach Bella encouraged as she walked around the gym " Impressive, kid. But if you break another one, you'll have to pay." Coach Bella told Zayto as she examined the punching bag he had broke " Nice form. Hey, uh, you're the best athlete in the class. Looks like we got a super Hotshot! Okay." Coach Bella whispered to me before blowing her whistle " All right, that's it for the free session, folks. Great work, everybody! If you wanna take your skills to the next level, just swing on past reception and buy a membership." She announced as she walked towards the reception "Do you think it's worth it?" Adrian asked us " I've never felt more pumped in my life. I'm definitely joining." I told them to which Fern nodded "Why not? I'll join too." Zayto said as we arrived at the reception " Well, you know, I suppose you're right." Adrian agreed " Oh! I almost forgot. One more thing. Every member must have one of my official training uniforms - no exceptions." Coach Bella called out to the group "We have to buy her uniform? Even the membership was expensive." Zayto asked me " Come on. It'll be worth it! " I told him before walking over to my bag to get the money before heading back to Zayto who was watching the interaction between coach Bella and Adrian " My folks gave me enough money for the membership, but not for a uniform too." Adrian told her " Oh, um, let me do you a favour. Just give me your watch, and I'll let you have the uniform for free." She offered as she spotted his watch "My watch? No, it's pretty special to me." He denied "Well, my training's going to launch you to athletic stardom, but, hey, I get it. If you don't care that much..." She trailed off "No, no, no, I do care." he told her before handing his watch over "This looks about right," She told him as she handed over a gym uniform.

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