Crossed wires

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Izzy's Pov

As I was leaving school I was stopped by Fern calling out to me "Oh, Sorry, I gotta scram. My girlfriend's following me everywhere. Wait. That's you" I joked earning a laugh from her "Awkward" I continued as Fern linked our hands "So... I ran into Miss Watson back there. She said you gotta retake your electronics test?" She asked me "Oh. Yeah, my last grade wasn't so hot. But I'll be fine! I've read all the materials, I'll re-read them tonight, and in the morning I'll re-re-read them." I told her "Seems like you really need to pass this test, Izzy. You should've told me. I can help you re-re-read." She offered "Thanks" I smiled as I kissed her cheek "But Nah. Don't worry. I've got this. Plus, you're missing hurdles! You're late." I changed the subject "Okay. I'd better get jumping. See ya" She smiled as she jogged off I let out a sigh "Hey, sis." Javi called out to me bringing my attention to my teammates "All set for tomorrow's big test?" Amelia asked "I'm gonna ace it" I assured them  "Well, I totally nailed my electronics classes back in the day. Of course, they were remote. Me and Mum were in the Amazon, looking for the tomb of Aguirre. But anyways, I've got plenty of tips if you want a hand." Ollie offered "And if you don't want to deal with Ollie's arrogant ass I could give you any help you need." Elouise added making Ollie frown "Nope. I'll be all good." I reassured the group before Zayto's communicator beeped "Solon?" Zayto asked as we all crowded together "Something very strange is going on at Haverly Park." Solon explained "Okay, We'll take a look," Zayto told her before turning to us "Let's go" He instructed, We nodded as we all headed towards a place we could teleport in secret.

Elouise's Pov

At Haverly park

We arrived at the park and saw everyone in the nearby vicinity passed out on the floor "What's going on?" Aiyon wondered "Ever see anything like this in your jungle adventures, Mr Amazon ?" Amelia sarcastically asked Ollie as we cautiously moved toward the people "Some kind of weird group nap" Javi tried "What?" He asked as I gave him a weird look "Dad! Any idea what's going on here?" Izzy asked as she ran towards the Warden who had just gotten out of his truck "Let's just say none of these folks has public snoozing permits. Stand back." The warden instructed her as he walked towards the people as a mechanical whirring started up "Anybody hear that noise?" Zayto asked us as the Warden began yelling at the group to wake up "Uh guys" I called out as I noticed the Warden pass out, "He's out too" Izzy stated as she tried to wake him up "It was a blast, and It looked like it came from over there" I told the group as our communicators beeped "Go ahead, Solon." Zayto nodded to the dino "The same thing is happening at Pineridge shopping centre and a sporix beast is causing chaos at the old chemical plant" Solon informed us "Now?, Okay we're on it" Zayto told her "We can't just leave everyone here. "Izzy argued "You three try to figure out what's happening here. Elouise heads to the shopping centre and look around there, We'll handle the sporix. But be careful" Zayto instructed us "Good plan" Aiyon agreed before the three teleported out "Be safe" Javi told me I nodded before teleporting

At Pineridge shopping centre

I arrived at the front of the shopping centre "Okay creepy" I muttered to myself as I walked through the mostly silent centre. I noticed everyone who was still awake was on the upper floors "Hang on a minute" I mumbled as I noticed that everyone who had fallen asleep was directly in line with the four doors and the statue in the middle. I slowly made my way towards the statue when I got close enough to touch it the same whirring from before started up and four beams shot out, I crouched down as I noticed a machine. My comm beeped "Hey guys" Izzy's voice called out "Hey. No sign of any sporix beast." Ollie revealed "Listen. We found a device. It's what's putting everyone to sleep" Izzy informed us "I've found one as well" I added "Huh. Void knight. It's possible there's some around here too." Ollie guessed "True. This one made a kind of whirring sound when I got close." Izzy told him "Got it" He nodded before he cut off the comms. I pulled up the top of the machine which revealed four separate circuits  "Oh this is easy to diffuse, although it will" I smirked as I quickly got to work. by the time I had finished diffusing the third one when Ollie contacted us again "Guys, we found one. Izzy the circuits inside should be just like the ones in your class, Just..." Ollie tried to explain "Just with tubes" I finished for him "Right, The blue blobby thing is a kind of capacitor. Bypassing it will shut down the beam. Easy" Ollie told her "Uh... easy?" Izzy checked uncertainly "Hey!" A voice could be heard faintly from Ollie's side "We've got company. call you back." He told us and I turned back to the final circuit after noticing that everyone that was affected by the other three had woken up. I pulled out the final tube deactivating the machine when my comm beeped again "What's up, did you deactivate the machine?" I asked Izzy "No, I messed up. I need your help please" She quickly mumbled "What where's Javi and Aiyon?" I wondered "The beams hit them and put them to sleep "Okay it's gonna be alright just get Javi and Aiyon back to base. I'll meet you there" I assured her as I grabbed the machine to keep it away from the public before teleporting out 

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