Numero Uno

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Amelia's Pov

I teleported to where the sporix had been sighted only to be once again met with the five other rangers still in the city already getting the sporix "3.30" Aiyon announced "Sorry I'm late" I apologized before realizing what Aiyon said, "Wait are you timing me?" I asked him "Yes, and we've broken two records today" Ollie joked "We know you're busy filling in at Buzzblast while Jane's away. You've told us fifty times" Ollie immediately said "It's a big job and It's my first time Elouise is normally left in charge and she'll get back from Angle Grove in about 2 hours and is back in work tomorrow so hopefully this is the last time I'm late" I explained "We got your back boss" Izzy assured me "Which reminds me I gotta meet Fern for Javelin training. Can you take this?" She continued handing Zayto the sporix "Sure" He agreed "Aiyon and I need to go back to base anyway." He told her as Aiyon nodded "Oh later dudes" Izzy said before leaving and everyone began leaving to do their own things "So we're good? Back to work then?" I spoke to myself before teleporting back to Buzzblast.

45 minutes later at Buzzblast

Javi was showing me a tune he made for a new Buzzblast show "What do you think good intro for mystery Buzz?" Javi asked "Sorry Amelia, I need a decision," An Intern Annie told me as she held up two outfits. I got up and walked towards Javi "I love the melody but my new show is about unsolved mysteries so let's make it ten percent less chilling and fifteen percent more frilling" I instructed him as I walked towards Annie "Sure thing boss" He nodded "That one" I told her as I pointed to one of the outfits "I better see how Brad's edit on the Icelandic Kraken segment looks" I muttered to myself before my phone rang, I answered "This is Amelia" I answered, "Uh Jane, where are you its sounds windy?" I asked "Cause we're in a hot air balloon, Say hi J-borg" She responded with a yell "Hi J-Borg" I could faintly hear as Stan walked towards me, I pulled my phone away "If it's gonna be messy take it upstairs" I instructed him before returning to my phone call "Anyway we're having such a great time shooting this series we're thinking of extending our trip, Would you be okay running the office for a few more months?" Jane asked "Few months? that's a generous offer" I told her "Just think about it, if you're not up to it I'll just ask Elouise once she's back" Jane assured me as J-borg said something about the Eiffel tower "Okay gotta go see you later bye" She rushed out before ending the call. I sighed before sitting down when a large bang came from upstairs and stan walked out covered in paint "Amelia, We need a big cleanup. Can you call your Pop-pop?" He asked "He's busy having his warts removed" I groaned "I'll find us some mops," I told him.

Ollie's Pov

Aiyon, Zayto and I were currently at the base, While Zayto and Aiyon looked for their home I decided to call my mum "So what exciting things have you been up to?" My mum asked, "Not much to report around here mum but tell me how's Ishinomori institute?" I asked her "Well it's the top of its field for a reason, I tell ya, Ollie, only a monster couldn't have fun in Japan" My mum joked making me laugh "They're calling for me I gotta go be safe, Blue ranger," My mum told me whispering the last part "Shh mum It's a secret" I reminded her as she laughed before hanging up "So how are you guys going?" Solon asked Zayto and Aiyon as I walked towards the three "Our home planet has to be around here somewhere" Zayto stated "Rafkons three suns should stand out but we're knights, not Spaceologists" Aiyon continued "Stars move a lot in sixty-five million years, I could whip up an algorithm to figure out how much" Solon suggested "Or you could try the internet or even the library for star info" I added "Can we really trust this Lie bary person, They sound shifty" Aiyon wondered "It isn't shifty or a person. It's a building, Let me get you the address I told them as I pulled out my phone.

Javi's Pov

55 minutes later

Aiyon had said something about going to the Library and Izzy and I decided to join him to make sure he didn't do something that would draw suspicion "You must have taken out every book on Astronomy, Sure you got enough?" I jokingly asked him "I hope so, Rafkon isn't gonna find itself. You wanna help?" He asked us Izzy laughed "My astronomy test is next week, I hate cramming early, or at all" She admitted "I'll help you, I wanna pass time until Elouise gets back," I told him as Izzy's phone rang "Sorry guys, It's Fern," She told us as she answered the phone "Hey girl, what's up?" She asked before pulling her face away as a high-pitched static sound rang out "What's going on with my phone?" Izzy wondered. The code mixed together before a sporix beast materialized in front of us "Hey girl, what's up?" The sporix mimicked "I'm Bitscreem." The sporix introduced itself as people began clamouring away "Listening in on my convo? Not okay" Izzy sassed the Sporix "What ya gonna do about it?" The sporix laughed "Link to Morphin grid" The three of us chorused as we quick morphed "Just a sec I gotta" Aiyon started as he moved to put the library books down "I'll help" Bitscreem interrupted as he rushed towards Aiyon knocking him backwards into a stall before laughing "Hey, In this city, we respect Library books" I called out to the Sporix as Izzy and I attacked him repeatedly, Izzy lured him into a vulnerable spot "Stego fury strike" I announced charging up my attack before slashing Bitscreem the attack cleared and Bitscreem wasn't there "Well that was easy" Aiyon commented as the sporix reformed in the air attacking Aiyon again "Seriously?" Aiyon groaned as the sporix charged him as Aiyon shot at him "Catch me if you can" Bitscreem laughed as he started to run off "Balloon key, Ready" Izzy announced as she activated the key "Elasto Key, ready"I followed her lead "Flare key, ready" Aiyon finished. Izzy used her key to blow the sporix up as if it were a balloon and I quickly used my key to leash him before Aiyon used his to cause a bright flash "Okay, you guys see a sporix anywhere?" I asked "Nope I think he did a runner" Izzy guessed "My book" Aiyon yelled as he ran towards the cart "Aw man, They're all dirty." Aiyon complained as a gasp was heard from behind us "Rangers! Look at my poor flowers, Oh my cart! It's destroyed" A man sobbed into a blue handkerchief "Sorry, sir. We" Aiyon tried to apologize but the man cut him off "You better fix my cart. Those flowers are my livelihood" He angrily told us between sobs "It's okay, just stand back." I assured him before turning towards the cart "Fix-it dino key, ready" I said activating the boost sleeve "Fix-it quick" I called out and the cart quickly repaired "Oh, Whoa" I heard the man gasp as I Finished "Oh, My lovely flowers! Thank you" The man comically stated as he spun around before the key was pulled out of my hand "Yoink" The sporix laughed before teleporting away "Ah, You gotta be kidding. He stole the fix-it key" I groaned "This is just great" Izzy sarcastically said.

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