Missing Pieces

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Elouise's Pov

At Dino henge

Ollie and I were helping Solon with her upgrades "So what is this cyborg system update, exactly?" Amelia asked as she looked over Solon "Let's just say that when this is done, Solon will be the greatest gaming console in history." Ollie told her "For real? Do you think she'll run backstreet bawler four, Goblin-town?" She wondered making me laugh "He's kidding Ami," I told her as I turned back to the console "Yeah, I knew that. totally" She awkwardly chuckled "Cheer up. This Dino will be defragged and bug-free. Then she'll laugh at how gullible you are" Ollie smirked earning a slap from Amelia before she walked over to help the others search for Rafkon "Ouch" Ollie whispered and groaned "Be glad it was her and not me" I laughed "This is almost finished go join the others" Ollie suggested, "You sure?" I checked he nodded I smiled before walking towards the group standing next to Javi "So that's the whole Universe, And somewhere in there is Rafkon" Izzy asked in awe as we looked at the hologram in front of us "It has three suns, so if we find them, we find our home." Zayto informed us "Unfortunately, our data is 65 million years old, the stars and planets have moved since then." Aiyon sighed "Luckily before Solon's systems update, She did some calculations, so we think Rafkon's three suns should be somewhere right around here." Zayto told us as he specified a specific area in the universe, a cracking sound echoed around the room "You okay Amelia?" I asked as I looked towards her "Something happen to your Shoulder?" Zayto asked her "I don't remember hurting it, but Pop-Pop thinks the lady next door is a witch, and I did take a shortcut through her garden today. Maybe she put a magical curse on me." Amelia theorized causing Ollie to roll his eyes "You think it's caused by magic? The light dino key repels magic. We should use it!" Aiyon suggested before walking towards the dino keys as Javi grabbed his Mosa blaster "Oh, this is gonna be good." Ollie snickered. I glared at him before punching his shoulder "I haven't met many angry witches, but it's worth a shot, in the shoulder, that is." Aiyon joked as Javi handed him his blaster "Light dino key, ready! Light Fury blast, Spellbreaker!" Aiyon announced before blasting her shoulder "How do you feel?" Javi asked her "The same." She admitted causing Ollie to smirk "Maybe I just hurt it in my sleep." Amelia guessed "Hey, We have the light and shadow Key, Can't we just make a portal to Rafkon?" Javi wondered "Yes, but first, we have to find it" Zayto stated as he turned back to the hologram "Well you won't find it there" Solon spoke up "Your back in action," Ollie said, "All updated, feeling fit as a fiddle." She confirmed "Hold on. What do you mean we won't find it there?" Zayto asked her "You said it would be here" He continued "Oh, Did I? Oh, my apologies. I must have made an error." Solon apologised "It's not like you to make mistakes." Aiyon pointed out "I guess my systems were a tad buggy before my update. Let me take another crack at those calculations. I sure love math!" Solon laughed before walking off.

Izzy's Pov

Javi and I had decided to get something to eat "Oh, Guess what I discovered in music class today. Jimi Hendrix played the guitar with his teeth" I told him "Woah! Do you think I should try that?" Javi asked me I pulled a face "Do you think our Dentist would recommend it?" He asked I laughed before shaking my head "Absolutely not." I smiled, and suddenly both of our communicators beeped " What's up Solon?" Javi asked "A report just came in, A sporix is just round the corner from you! She told us, and I looked around "We'll grab it then." Javi shrugged. We both ran towards where the sporix apparently was "Boom. Too easy." I celebrated before starting to make my way towards it "Another one! Told ya it was here." A sporix beast announced as he, Mucus and Slyther made their way towards the sporix, Javi slowed me as Slyther grabbed the sporix "I like your style, Occulo. A gold star for you" Slyther praised the beast as he put the sporix in a sack with some others "And three sporix for us, All thanks to your perfect eyesight." Slyther cheered "Perfect eyesight, huh?" I called out to the three "It can't be that good, Cos you didn't see us coming." Javi taunted and we both morphed "Got my eyes on you now." Occulo said as he charged us, Javi and I managed to get a few hits on Occulo before he managed to force us to the ground "You guys have no idea how cool Occulo is. His X-ray vision can see through anything." Mucus announced, "Through anything?" Javi echoed "Then he can watch me kickin' his butt," I  said as I got up and began slashing Occulo, He grabbed my sabre and chucked me back "Izzy" I heard Javi yell "You'll pay for that. Try and see through this!" Javi challenged him getting up and pulling out a dino key "Flare key, Ready!" He called out activating the boost sleeve "Flare flash" he announced blinding the Mucus and Occulo, Mucus ran off as I tried to attack Occulo but thanks to the eyes on the back of his head he dodged me. "Aargh" I groaned "Ha! Missed me" The sporix taunted "Only cause you have eyes on the back of your head!" I retorted "Coming' through" Zayto suddenly announced as he and the others ran past me and began trying to attack Occulo themselves but failing. "Why so many eyes?" Ollie asked as he stumbled towards me "X-ray vision. Occulo's hunting for Sporix all over the city," I explained "We can't let Void knight get more of them. let's shut these eyes" Zayto instructed, Slyther jumped in front of us halting any attack "Hold that thought. Memory mix-up!" he commentated as he hit us with a bright beam.

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