First Move

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Amelia's Pov

Elouise and I were relaxing on the sunbeds by her outdoor pool, I was wearing a pink and white bikini and Elouise had a strappy black swimming costume on, "So any news on where the gold ranger could be?" I asked her "No he's completely disappeared since he teleported away from the fight two days ago" She sighed as she turned over onto her back "Did you end up getting your make-up review finished on time?" She asked as she sipped her drink "Barely, it's been so hard to keep up with my upload schedule I have no idea how you're able to keep up with your schedule and still have time to race and continue to come up with designs for your brand" I admitted causing her to laugh "Well let's see I get about 12 hours of sleep a week so a lot of nights are spent recording videos which then leads to me having time in the day for racing and when It comes to designing clothes Ellie has been working her ass off for the next collections drop since she believed I was overworking myself, though I do wish I had time to help her she must be so stressed having to do a whole collection by herself this time" She revealed "I'm sure whatever she comes up with is gonna be incredible" I reassured her "Oh I know that. I just feel bad leaving a lot of the stressful stuff up to her" She sighed " Fair enough, So what do you think the gold rangers like?" I asked her and I noticed her smile falter a little before she laughed "I have no idea but he can't be worse than Ollie" She joked making us both laugh "I'm getting in the pool I'm literally boiling" She told me as she stood up "Honestly same" I laughed as we both headed towards the steps. Elouise immediately got in and sat on the third step while I dipped my foot in "Jeez that's cold" I muttered "C'mon it's not that bad" She tried to tell me without laughing "Shut up" I glared at her before splashing her with water "Dude" She yelped moving away from me and further into the pool "I need to get some pool floats" She suggested "Hell yeah, we need to get some of the inflatable sunbeds" I told her as I moved to the first step "Have you spoken to your brother recently?" I asked her "Yeah he's getting a little homesick but apparently Dani's been working so much that he's been stuck with her assistant" She informed me as she rolled her eyes. Elouise was about to say something else when our comms went off "Seriously I just want one chill day" Elouise groaned as she swam back to the steps "What's going on Solon?" I asked her as we quickly walked back to the sunbeds "Sporix beast at the park the others are already there" She informed us as we dried off and put on cover-ups "Okay we're on our way" I told her before ending the call we both quick morphed and teleported to the park

Elouise's Pov 

Amelia and I arrived at the park to see the others fighting hengemen "What happened to the sporix?" Amelia asked the group as we joined the fight "It was Slyther and Mucus and they left the moment we got here" Izzy told us as she slashed a hengemen "Are you serious, why would they show up if they're just gonna leave straight away?" I called out as I took down a few hengemen that was coming at me "We have no idea but I'm sure we will find out" Zayto joined the conversation as we finished the hengemen off and grouped up "Is that all of them?" Javi asked as he looked around "Seems like it" Izzy agreed just as more hengemen teleported in "I spoke too soon" Izzy muttered as we all split up and took to fighting the hengemen I jumped onto a slide with a hengemen following and a few stayed at the bottom trying to hit me "Watch your step" I joked as I took the hengemens feet out from beneath itself making him fall and land on top of the others I noticed a few hengemen coming from behind me so I jumped down and slashed at the group causing the hengemen from behind me to trip over the slide "Whoops" I laughed before running over to Izzy who was getting overwhelmed "You okay?" I asked as I helped her up "Yeah, Void knight has never sent out this many hengemen at once before" Izzy stated "I know, we need to be careful" I told her as we both attacked a pair of hengemen, I quickly activated the sprint dino key and ran towards a group of twelve or so hengemen defeating all of them before they could move an inch but for every hengemen we beat another two popped up. Izzy and I watched each other's backs as we tried to regroup with the others "Why are there so many of them?" Amelia groaned as we joined up with her and Javi "Has anyone seen Ollie and Zayto?" Javi asked us " I think I saw some blue over by the swings," I told him "Let's try and work our way over to them" Izzy suggested we all agreed and took off towards where I last saw Ollie with Izzy and Amelia taking the lead and Javi and I covering their backs. As we were reaching the slide I noticed Zayto swarmed by at least thirty hengemen "You guys find Ollie, I'm going to help Zayto" I called out before running towards the red ranger slicing any hengemen that blocked my path "You okay?" I asked as I pulled him up "Yeah thanks" he nodded as we both continued cutting the hengemen down. It took us an hour before all the hengemen were destroyed and we regrouped "Is everyone okay?" Amelia asked "A few scrapes but I'm fine," I told them as I checked myself "Just tired" Izzy laughed "I feel like I could sleep for the rest of the day" Ollie agreed

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