Losers Weepers

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Elouise's Pov

Izzy and Aiyon dragged me out of the base to go biking in the woods "So you think you can race, huh? Show me what you can do." Aiyon challenged Izzy "Ha, What I can do Is beat you." Izzy taunted "What about you Elouise, think you're up to the challenge of racing both of us?" Aiyon turned to me "It's no motorbike racing but I'm sure I'll beat your asses!" I tried to match their energy as we all got on our bikes "Ready, Go!" Izzy called out and we all began racing through the woods, I took the lead before my thoughts drifted back to Void Knight being taken by Void Queen "Elouise, watch out!" Izzy yelling snapped me out of my thoughts allowing me to save myself from going into a tree "Thanks!" I yelled back "How'd you like them apples, Space Knight?" I heard Izzy taunting Aiyon "I don't!" I could faintly hear Aiyon retort "So this is just a race for 2nd huh?" I laughed as I jumped over a log "Very funny!" Aiyon sarcastically added, We continued riding for a couple minutes before I heard Izzy scream making me stop and begin riding back "Izzy you okay?" I called out as I reached her "Oh no!" Aiyon muttered as he got off his bike and joined us "Anything hurting?" I asked as I helped her up "No, I'm fine." She muttered, "Why'd you ram me?" Izzy yelled at Aiyon "I swear it was an accident!" Aiyon defended himself "Oh!" Izzy scoffed before turning to her bike "Oh, man! My Bike!" she groaned as she pulled her bike up to show a dent in the bike "Look, it wasn't on purpose, Ok?" Aiyon tried to tell her Izzy groaned as she threw her bike down "Hey check this out" Aiyon called out as he noticed an old truck hidden by the shrubs "It's an old truck." Izzy stated as we moved to investigate it "What's Area 62?" Aiyon asked as he pointed to the front of the truck that had Area 62 painted on "It was an old military base near Pine Ridge. Shut down years ago." I explained, "This thing's ancient! It's older than me!" Izzy added as she tried to get closer "Woah!" She stopped before leaning down and pulling a box out from underneath some dead grass "Must be from the truck!" She guessed as she cleaned the box which showed Area 62 painted on the top "Well, Let's see what we found." Aiyon excitedly said as he moved to open the box but Izzy stopped him "We?" She laughed "We didn't find anything. I found this. Whatever's inside is all mine, baby!" Izzy told him as tried to open the box "Wait, Seriously?" Aiyon asked her as he looked at me I sighed"There's a saying on Earth, ''Finder's Keepers, Losers W-" Izzy paused as she opened the box to find a collar "Just some old dog collar." She sighed throwing it away. "Why don't you see if there's anything else?" I suggested to Aiyon as I moved over to Izzy and Aiyon's bikes to see if I could work out what happened  "Hey,Hey! Bingo! Ha." Aiyon yelled as he found another box "Maybe this one will have a rusty leash to match." Izzy joked as Aiyon opened the box revealing stacks of money "This is gonna buy me snacks for a whole week!" Aiyon yelled "Only a week?" I laughed "We hit the jackpot!" Izzy began singing and jumping as she held up some of the money "We?" Aiyon echoed her earlier statement "I found it. So, like you said, finders keepers." Aiyon told her as he began showing me his money "Thank you!" He added taking the money Izzy was holding placing it back in the box and shutting it "Can't wait to tell the others." He celebrated as he teleported away "He's just gonna leave his bike?" I muttered as I grabbed my own "Can you believe him?" Izzy asked I nodded as I balanced Aiyon's bike against me "Let's go join him at the base!" I suggested as I wanted to get back to looking for Tarrick

3rd Person Pov

At the base

Elouise was standing at the console scanning the city as Aiyon informed the others of his find while Izzy was off to the side examining her bike "No way! All this money's just been sitting out there this whole time?!" Javi exclaimed as he held open the box for Aiyon to put the money in his bag "What are you guys going to do with it?" Amelia asked Izzy scoffed "That's the thing. Someone doesn't want to share with me." Izzy stated as she joined the group "Uhh, Why should I? You wouldn't share your find with me!" Aiyon reminded her "What find?" Ollie asked "A rusty dog collar." Izzy sighed "It was a whole thing. Anyway, I wasn't in a sharing mood cos you cheated in the race." She angrily told Aiyon "I didn't cheat! That was an accident!" Aiyon defended "And a lucky one too, Since it led me to this." He added as he finished putting the money in a bag "You are so selfish!" Izzy snapped "Ah, You're the one who said ''Finders Keepers''. It's not my fault you found an old collar!" Aiyon defended "But you found a case full of cash!" Izzy yelled "And you're just throwing a tantrum cos you didn't get what you wanted!" Aiyon yelled back "Ok, now you're just being a jerk." Izzy snapped "Oh, am I? Well, I feel terrible!" Aiyon faked hurt "I'll just go shopping, maybe even get myself a frozen yoghurt. Make myself feel better." He continued before teleporting away "I hope he gets brain freeze!" Izzy pouted as she took her bike into another room "That's gonna cause a problem isn't it?" Amelia asked "Probably!" Zayto sighed "So who is in the wrong?" Ollie turned to Elouise "Elouise!" He called out to her when she didn't answer "Els!" Amelia yelled out "What?" She groaned as she turned to face the group "Whose in the wrong, Izzy or Aiyon?" Zayto asked Elouise sighed "If I'm being honest both! Although Izzy more so than Aiyon." She admitted, "Why?" Javi asked "Izzy totally overreacted to something that actually was an accident and is in the wrong but Aiyon's being so petty it's pathetic and he's taking it too far." Elouise stated "How'd you know it was an accident?" Amelia wondered "The damage on the bikes!" Elouise shrugged "Seriously?" Ollie uttered Elouise nodded. Elouise went back to the search for Tarrick while Zayto, Javi and Izzy trained and Ollie and Amelia cleaned their sabres when the hotline alarm went off "Everyone, gather around. There's trouble in the city." Solon announced as she pulled up footage of a giant sporix attacking the city "Woah, that's one big beast!" Javi exclaimed, "Wait, how can it be giant already?" Ollie asked "It shouldn't be!" Solon answered, "Did Void Queen destroy the sporix's first form on purpose?" Elouise wondered "Aiyon come in. Aiyon? Are you there?" Zayto tried to contact his best friend "Why won't he answer?" Zayto asked "Like I said a total jerk!" Izzy quipped causing Elouise to shake her head at her "Izzy, not helpful!" Javi scolded his sister "We'll have to go on without him. Come on." Zayto stated before teleporting the group.

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