Phoning home

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Elouise's Pov

I walked out of one of the recording rooms of buzzblast to find 4 out of the 5 other rangers looking out of the door of buzzblast with the rest of the workers "Does someone wanna explain what happened?" I asked the group as I stood next to Javi and Ollie "The pet collar that Jane was doing a review on was put on J-borg and it turned her into a cat" Amelia explained, "Right of course something like that would happen" I joked "Should we go after them" Javi worriedly asked as Amelia's wrist comm beeped "You all ready for training?" Zayto asked us "We're on our way" Amelia promised as she shut the comm off and the 5 of us left to find a safe place to teleport.

At Dinohenge

We teleported to the dino statues and met up with Zayto who had set up a capture the flag sort of training exercise "3 2 1 GO" Zayto called out starting us off. I charged at Ollie who had tried to grab the flag and pushed him away from the area and into Amelia who started fighting him giving me time to go for the flag only for Javi to repeatedly block me before we both noticed Zayto hiding behind one of the statues and teamed up to push him back with Javi striking his sabre giving me time to knock his feet out from underneath him, I turned back to Javi expecting him to attack me only to see him trying to attack Izzy who dodged and grabbed the flag before quickly holding her sabre up to Ollie which caused him to groan "Come on" Javi complained as Izzy celebrated only to be cut off by a misty green cloud that was sending out lightning bolts. Suddenly a woman with black and purple hair in weird looking clothes teleported down making the cloud disappear as we all got back in our fighting stances "Greetings, I'm Arla" The woman introduced as she held her hands up before bowing "a Knight from planet Rafkon" she explained as the same antennas that Zayto has appeared on her head "Huh Rafkon?, So my planet survived after all this time" Zayto asked her earning a nod in response "How? Tell me everything" He excitedly asked her "So you're a knight too, It's so cool that Rafkon still has knights, I thought I was the last one" Zayto continued "The others will be delighted to meet you," Arla told him "Hey Arla, I'm-" Izzy went to greet her only for her to get cut off "Izzy, a hotshot athlete. Strong. Fearless. a real winner" Arla told her as she read her, Javi walked up to her to go introduce himself "I'm" Javi started only to also get cut off "And you're her brother, Javi a free-spirited musician." Arla stated "Yeah yeah but let's get back to all the things I'm great at. this is why I love rafkonians." Izzy jumped in "I'm here on a mission, Rafkon technology has greatly improved since we fought the sporix. Now we have a way to destroy them." Arla explained "Uh we thought that was Impossible," Amelia told her "It was but our tech has advanced, You know we shouldn't let prying ears overhear" Arla explained as she looked around "Let's go to the base" Zayto suggested before he teleported us 

In the base

"Woah, what are you doing you brought a stranger into the base" Solon chided us "No it's ok, this is Arla she's from Rafkon" Zayto explained as Arla bowed "Rafkon really?" Solon slightly challenged "The antenna worked she got the message I sent this morning and she's here to help destroy the sporix" Zayto explained "The message from this morning, Wow you must move quick" Solon quizzed her "I came here as soon as I heard it, Rafkon technology is really advanced and my ships fast" Arla stated "Where is it then our systems would have detected it when you entered orbit" Solon challenged "This old equipment I doubt it, You might need to upgrade your tech" Arla told her as she looked around "Upgrade my tech ha this is state of the art" Solon defended as she went to press a button which played Levi Weston music over the speakers as Amelia bopped along "Oops I mean I meant to do that" Solon excused "Levi Weston, I didn't know you're into country music" Javi stated "You haven't heard the best of it Solon, Rafkon has found a way to destroy Sporix" Zayto informed her as he headed toward the box with the sporix which caused Solon to make a sound of confusion "And if you show me the ones you've captured I can get rid of them" Arla revealed as she walked towards the box only for Solon to cut her off "Hold on I've been studying sporix for millions of years, my results are conclusive Sporix can't be exterminated. How did they figure it out?" Solon queried "Hey why all the questions, She's a knight of Rafkon" Zayto defended Arla "Giving away all our Sporix is risky, I'd feel better if she proved herself by reading mind" Solon admitted as she reached to put her hand on Arla's shoulder causing the woman to flinch "Oh sure" Arla agreed as she looked towards Zayto "You don't have to do that Arla, I trust you," Zayto told her as she yawned "Sorry space travel can be intense I am truly exhausted" Arla explained "You can sleep in on of our chambers" Amelia offered Arla who nodded "This way" Izzy called out as the 4 led her to the chambers "Why are you being so unwelcoming, Arla is from Rafkon, She is proof that my people survived don't you understand what a big deal this is" Zayto told her "I know Zayto but the sporix must not end up in the wrong hands" Solon countered "Of course but Arla is on our side. she wants to destroy the sporix" Zayto tried "So she says however if you ask me at all a bit too good to be true" Solon admitted as she walked off "She's got a point Zayto, You and Solon did only send out that message this morning she's just being cautious" I jumped in helping Solon causing him to sigh before waking off to his bed chambers most likely to think. The others came back a couple of minutes later "So where did Solon and Zayto go?" Ollie suddenly asked scaring me "Don't do that" I mumbled as the 4 laughed "Solon went to check on something and Zayto headed into his room" I told them "I don't get it why is Solon acting so weird?" Izzy asked "Well she and Zayto did only just send out the message this morning and Arla shows up not even half a day later plus when Mick was here he did say he has never heard of Rafkon which most likely means if it does still exist then its nowhere near Earth plus she was quick to accept that Zayto was also a Knight and unless the Rafkonians knew about Zayto being in cryosleep I doubt that they knew he was still alive" I theorized "And with Zayto being so obsessed with finding his home planet he could be easily manipulated" Ollie added causing me to nod "But we know nothing of space travel and she could genuinely be from Rafkon and it really doesn't take long" Amelia countered before the hotline beeped and Javi read out the location as Zayto and Solon re-entered the room and the 6 of us teleported out 

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