The Makeover

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Amelia's Pov

At Buzzblast

Jane and I were currently sitting in the control booth watching over the live broadcast that was currently going on, Dr.Akana had just finished talking about a new find when J-borg began her segment of interviewing the Museum's curator Beatrice Cotton who started explaining the find "Well Purplebeard's very famous in this city. especially for his powerful and mysterious talismans." Beatrice told J-borg "Ask her if there are any in the chest" I instructed J-borg and she did "Oh perhaps, We'll find out very soon when we open it for the first time." Beatrice cheerfully announced, "Ask her if the chest has an ancient pirate's curse." I excitedly told J-borg but Jane stopped her by telling her to wrap it up "So the legend of purplebeard's talismans lives on for now. Thank you, Beatrice." J-borg finished "Well anything for your audience, and we hope you visit us soon. And remember we run on donations" Beatrice pointed out as she held up a donation box "And cut." I called out, Jane and I left the booth and headed out into the main area where a loud thud caught our attention. We both rushed over to find light on the floor and Pop-pop was holding onto Beatrice, Once we were sure everyone was okay the crowd went back to their work as Pop-pop and Beatrice began talking "Shall I meet you in Albert park in, say three hours?" Beatrice asked him making me let out a small squeak "Sure. Yeah, I'd love to." Pop-pop stuttered "Perfect. see you then, Ed!" Beatrice smiled before walking away, I quickly jogged over to him "I heard everything. This wasn't on any of your horoscopes. Amazing!" I excitedly stated "Yes, It is. She's very nice. But I haven't been on a date in years... decades even and now I'm having one in three hours. I don't know what to wear. I don't know what to say. I need help" He began panicking. I cut him off "Say no more Pop-Pop! I got this" I calmed him.

Elouise's Pov

At the Base

Amelia was currently sitting at one of the tables browsing for clothes for Pop-Pop while Javi, Ollie and Izzy helped her while I finished off a few videos "Maybe" Amelia hummed "Nice blazer. What do you think Amelia? Could Pop-Pop pull it off?" Izzy asked her "Black is a classic look," Javi stated, "I say a blue blazer. It'll bring out the blue in Pop-Pop's eyes." Ollie suggested, "Are you too helping to actually help or just to brag about your colours?" I asked the two boys, Javi smirked while Ollie shrugged his shoulders "Aren't his eyes brown?" Izzy pointed out "Then it'll bring out the brown." Ollie defended himself causing Amelia to sigh as the two laughed "This is serious. It's a date, So Pop-Pop's gotta dress to impress. We're talking full make-over" Amelia told them "I don't get it. Why change Pop-Pop? I like him just the way he is." Zayto joined the conversation "Me too but we need Beatrice to like like him." Amelia countered "By making him look like someone he isn't? That doesn't make sense." Zayto told her "I agree especially since you told us it was Beatrice that asked Pop-Pop out" I added but the alarm blared before she could answer "Sporix beast at the museum. He's probably not looking to make a donation" Solon informed us "Let's go" Aiyon said and Zayto teleported us out

At the museum

The first thing we see when we arrived was the sporix looking into a chest "Curses!" The sporix growled as it threw the chest down "Agh that chess was priceless" Ollie complained "Not as priceless as the look on void knight's face when he sees what I do to you" The sporix laughed before summoning the hengemen "It's morphin' time" Zayto yelled as we got ready "Dino fury key! Activate! Link to morphin' grid" We finished the morph "Dino fury power we chorused "Hold that thought" The sporix laughed "Switcheroo!" The sporix called out as it sent out pairs of beams that hit everyone but Aiyon, Izzy, and myself as we managed to dodge "Rude" Izzy mumbled as the 4 hit rangers demorphed "I don't like this" I mumbled "We demorphed! What's going on?" Ollie asked sounding like Javi "Zayto, I'm in your body." Amelia's voice stated from Zayto's body "And I'm in yours" Zayto realised "No way. We've been body-swapped!" Ollie stated in disbelief "Correctamundo! Good luck fighting me now." The sporix continued laughing as the hengemen charged "We've got them" Izzy assured the others as the three of us charged and began taking down the hengemen. The others were talking but Izzy and I ignored them as we took on the hengemen with the two of us "Look out" I warned Izzy as a hengemen drove a forklift at her while Aiyon ran off during his fight with the sporix "I know none of you have a licence to drive this thing." Izzy joked "I know I definitely don't" She added as I jumped up onto a crate and finished off the finale hengemen "The body-swapping goat guy ran away." Aiyon told us as he rejoined us "We have bigger problems. We need to head back to base" I told them and we all teleported

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