Storm Surge

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Javi's Pov

I was waiting for Ollie at Buzzblast when Elouise walked over "Hey Javi, Ollie's still not here?" She asked confused "No I've been waiting for ages and he was supposed to get those samples for my story" I sighed "I wonder what's taking him so long, you don't think he ran into a sporix do you?" she suggested "If it was a sporix then Solon would have contacted us" I reminded her to which she nodded "Hey Els when we were fighting Zedd what did he mean by you seemed familiar?" I asked her causing her to shrug her shoulders "I honestly don't know, but I might ask Solon if she has any ideas" She told me with a sigh "Is everything ok? you've been really off recently" I told her "Sorry for being off it's just I've come across something that my parents kept from me and I'm still trying to work out how to feel about it" She admitted, "Is there anything I can do to help?" I offered causing her to smile "I'm good for now at least although that will probably change once I'm able to talk to my mum" she sighed "Ok, just promise to let me know if you need anything," I  told her "I promise if I need anything I'll let you know" She promised before her phone began spamming her with notifications which made her roll her eyes "I should get going, If I take any longer getting to the track Luke will kill me" She laughed "Alright I'm sure I'll see you later" I smiled at her as she grabbed her bag from the desk she was working at "See ya Javi" She called out as she left Buzzblast just as Ollie walked in with headphones in "Dude, where have you been? You were supposed to pick up samples for my story, But you never showed, so J-borg came up with a plan B." I informed him as we both looked over to J-borg who was literally watching paint dry "Sorry man, I totally forgot I was meant to do that. These babies arrived in-store today, so I had to pick them up." He tried to apologize "Seriously, dude? So instead of helping me, you were buying new headphones?" I stated annoyed "Hey, these are noise-cancelling, Solar rechargeable, and they would have sold out" He tried to excuse himself "What was wrong with your old ones?" I asked as we joined the others "What?" He asked as he took the headphones off "HE SAID, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR OLD ONES?" Izzy loudly repeated "Well my old ones were... what do you call it? Old" He reiterated "Oh" Izzy faked understanding "I'm all about the new tech. I know you get the importance of quality audio... for your music, right?" Ollie pointed out causing me to shrug "This sounds like last week's new phone with a better quality screen" Amelia stated as she and Izzy laughed "And what about your new phone watch?" Zayto asked "Smartwatch, thank you very much. check it" He said as he showed us the screen only to get interrupted by jane "Well I think we created the most boring Buzzblast segment ever. Javi I really need you to complete the stories you promised." She urged me "I'm so sorry Jane. Ollie was supposed to drop off the samples two hours ago." I explained, "Is this for the new vegetable hybrid you mentioned? Half pickle, half onions?" she asked "Yeah, Punions" I excitedly told her "Well... even though it will change the face of hamburgers as we know it, Cancel it I've got something more important for you to cover" She instructed me as she motioned for me to look at her tablet "There's been a strange storm lingering over Pine Ridge Bay all week. The weather people can't determine what's causing it. I want a feature for this afternoon's Livestream, Maybe a nice interview with an expert." She explained as she walked off "For real? I'm covering the weather?" I questioned "Uh hell-ur? Super awesome weather, get on it!" she told me before walking off "As she said, this isn't normal weather. It's caused by some freaky energy surge. It's not even her field but my mum's all over it. The electrical storm is too dangerous for boats and planes, so this morning we prepped her submarine drone to search underwater." Ollie explained "Pine Ridge Bay, That's where the Nexus Prism dove into the sea" Zayto stated, "The Morphin masters sent it to look for something, but we never found out what." He continued "True, they might be connected." Amelia suggested, "Ollie do you think I could interview your mum?" I asked making him scoff "No way. She's busy gathering data with her sub drone, You could interview me instead" he offered which made me pull a face "Trust me. I helped mum build that drone. I'm practically an expert" he told us "Okay, Sold" I agreed "And If we're lucky, Dr. Akana might find a clue as to what the prism was doing on Earth" Zayto added "I'll let Elouise know we might be able to finally figure out the prism mission" Amelia told us as she pulled out her phone "I'll go check on my mums progress. I'll be back for the interview" Ollie told me as he began walking off "Okay. I really want to do a good job on this, so be on time. 2 o'clock" I instructed him "2 o'clock, I promise" He repeated

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