New recruits

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Amelia's POV

Zayto, Ollie and Myself walked into buzz blast "Are you sure I should interview for this reporter Job, I really only have experience of fighting monsters" Zayto started "Call that tackling hard tasks" I countered "And piloting a giant Zord" He added "You have flashy style" I tried "And taking care of sporix" He continued "you recycle" I finished "Ok" Zayto gave in as Elouise came over from the editing booths "the collab video is being edited and will be ready to upload tomorrow" She told me before turning to the guys "And Zayto as long as you stick to the advice Amelia gave you you'll get the job" She reassured him "Gotcha, Cool cool coolio" He said while doing a weird hand gesture causing Elouise to cringe and quickly walk up the stairs and Ollie to smirk "I don't know where you learnt that but your Interviews this way" I told him following Elouise

Elouise's POV

I carried on up the stairs to see if anyone else was going for the Job and I noticed a guy leaving Janes office and sitting down on the chair outside as the other 3 joined me. Jane noticed Zayto and called him into her office "Good luck" Ollie told him as he entered the Office before the 3 of us sat at a table "I'm gonna get a drink do you guys want anything?" Amelia asked "Yeah can you get me a blue power aid please" I asked her she nodded before turning to Ollie but I zoned out as I looked over to the guy sat outside Janes Office and I noticed him pull out a harmonica If he's going for the job Zayto's going to have to fight for it seeing as this Guy looked a lot cooler than him I thought to myself. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Amelia returning with the drink "Here" She handed us our drinks we all drunk a bit before stopping at the sound of a harmonica the 3 of us turned to the guy Amelia and Ollie were obviously worried about Zayto's chances of getting the Job however I was more focused on the fact that he could make a Harmonica sound good "Cool harmonica, catchy tune" Amelia praised he just raised his eyebrows before going back to playing "Hey are you going for the reporter job" Ollie stopped him "Uh yeah Jane told me to wait, I'm trying to earn money to buy a keytar like a keyboard but you play it like a guitar" He explained " well they're not cheap so fingers crossed" he told us with a smile as the door to the office opened "Well thanks for coming in Zayto, Javi as a final test -" Jane started but I didn't hear the rest as I got a message from my mum asking if I was able to look after Ethan for a couple of hours tomorrow I sighed quietly before replying with a simple yes before I focused back on the conversation in front of me "Before you go I'm gonna send a reporter with you to watch over and jump in if necessary" Jane told them before turning to Amelia, Ollie and myself "Amelia you'll go with Zayto and Elouise you'll go with Javi" She Instructed us before turning around and entering her Office. Amelia and Ollie walked over to Zayto as the Other guy Javi came over to me "I'm Javi" He introduced "Elouise" I smiled "So lets get going" I told him before heading for the stairs I could hear his footsteps trying to catch up with me "What's your assignment" I asked "Uh the nephrite orb its in the museum downtown" He told me I just nodded as we exited Buzz blast I lead him over to the parking lot and over to my car "Nice car" He complemented "Thanks" We both got in the car and headed towards the museum. "So any tips on reporting" Javi asked me "Well I'm more of a vlogger than a reporter but the best thing to do is stay calm act natural and make sure the interview isn't boring" I advised he nodded "right stay calm, act natural and not boring" He recited as we pulled up and I found a parking spot we got out and headed towards the entrance Javi opened the door and waited for me to go through first "Thanks" He blushed a little but nodded "No problem" We started towards the reception "first things first your gonna need to get the interview" I stated instead of replying he walked over to the receptionist I was to far  away and couldn't hear the conversation but I saw the receptionist nod before Javi turned back and headed towards me "I've got an interview with one of the professors in 15 minutes" He told me "Good job" I praised causing him to smile 

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