The Hunt

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3rd Person Pov

At Buzzblast

The rangers gathered around a monitor as Jane announced she had captured proof of a ghost "You ready, JB?" Jane asked J-Borg as she attached a wire to J-Borg "Connected" J-Borg confirmed "Watch carefully. One second, that ghost is attacking that man... and then, Poof! They're both gone!" Jane commentated "A real ghost in Lincoln Alley? Caught on video? I think we just found our next Mystery Buzz story." Amelia excitedly announced as she watched the video "I agree, It's amazing!" Jane said as she began to skate off "Uh, Jane? Whenever people come in here claiming they saw a ghost, you always say they're nuts!" Ollie reminded her "I'm gonna end up hitting him ain't I." Elouise whispered to Izzy who smirked "Yeah, they are. But I'm not. And I believe what I saw, a genuine ghost." Jane seriously told Ollie "That's a relief, I've been telling you for years ghosts exist." Amelia spoke up "And I didn't believe you. But now I want everyone to know that ghosts are real." Jane announced making Amelia smugly look at Ollie "I want this episode of Mystery Buzz to prove that ghosts kidnapped that man. I don't care how long it takes! But get it done by 2:30!" Jane instructed Amelia "I have the Uncanny Kazammo livestreaming after that." Jane explained "Yes, Ma'am. This is my dream assignment. I'll get right on it." Amelia cheerfully announced as she began walking off "Want some help?" Ollie suddenly offered "You wanna investigate a ghost? That's different!" Amelia teased "Videos can be faked. This deserves an honest investigation!" Ollie suggested, "I suppose a skeptical eye couldn't hurt! Yeah, I guess I could use a hand looking for clues." Amelia agreed as the other rangers joined them "How about a few hands? I heard ghosts cover people in slime? I gotta know the truth" Aiyon offered "And I wanna see Aiyon get slimed by a ghost.So I'm in! Izzy laughed "Please make sure you film it!" Elouise joked "Yeah, the more the merrier. Anyone else." Amelia asked "Sorry, I'm taking Javi to the track!" Elouise said "Somehow she managed to convince me to let her teach me how to ride." Javi added "Elouise if you don't record that I will forever hold a grudge!" Izzy jokingly threatened her "Don't worry I was already planning on it!" Elouise promised. Zayto's communicator beeped "What is it, Solon?" He asked "I'm not sure. An alert has come in on the hotline." Solon revealed "A sporix beast?" Zayto assumed "No. It said to come to a warehouse. I'll send details." Solon told them "Weird." Javi noted "We'd better take a look." Zayto stated

Elouise's Pov

We teleported to the location of the warehouse Solon told us to check out "That's the place!" Zayto announced as he pointed to a specific warehouse, Amelia and I were the first to enter the warehouse making sure to check the surroundings "Everybody stay alert!" Zayto advised "Hm, Just a big empty warehouse. Riveting stuff" Izzy sarcastically announced "Maybe the call was a hoax!" Ollie suggested, "It's possible but we should still check this place over!" I stated "Ok, You guys can do that, I need to check out Lincoln Alley for my Mystery Buzz ghost story." Amelia said just as Void Knight walked behind her, I grabbed her hand and pulled her back towards the group as the others got into fighting stances "Rangers!" Void Knight called out "Void Knight!" Zayto echoed "You stay back!" he yelled as he stomped forward "Zayto hang on!" I stopped him "No, it's fair!" Void Knight agreed "But you should know by now... I'm not here to fight." Void Knight stated as he placed his sabre on the ground "Do you have all the sporix you stole?" Zayto firmly asked "Not yet, but there's something you need to know. Void Queen's built a new robot, Snageye. He's been designed to capture you, rangers!" Void Knight revealed "You must be careful. We need to work together!" He suggested "After everything you've done, why help us now?" Amelia asked "You don't agree with whatever it is Void Queens doing, do you?" I spoke up, He shook his head "I've made mistakes, but it's because... Void Queen is my wife." Void Knight admitted, "Wait, Your wife?" Izzy repeated "She wasn't always like this. Her name was Santaura. Many years ago she was injured in a terrible accident. I was barely able to keep her alive, and I needed a tremendous amount of energy to heal her. You had that power, hidden in your base." He explained "So you stole the sporix for their energy?" Ollie confirmed "Yes. And the Sporix power brought her back. I wanted to leave Earth, but all she wanted was revenge. Using the Sporix energy, Santaura transformed herself into Void Queen. She won't stop until she has destroyed the whole planet." Void Knight revealed "So you unleased the sporix on Earth, risking the destruction of an entire planet, Just to save one person?" Zayto angrily asked as he stomped towards Void Knight "Yes, But-" Void Knight tried to defend himself "And we're supposed to believe that you're suddenly so noble?" Zayto cut him off "Zayto... he did already help us once." Javi hesitantly reminded him "After trying to destroy us dozens of times." Zayto snapped at Javi "Give it a fucking rest Zayto." I yelled as I moved towards him and pulled him away from Void Knights's face "He did what he believed was the only option to save his wife." I argued, "He risked destroying your home planet!" Zayto yelled as he got in my face "He was desperate, Isn't that the same reason you released the sporix on Rafkon!" I yelled back "Woah, guys chill." Izzy tried to stop us as Javi and Aiyon pulled Zayto and I apart "I don't blame you for doubting me. But know this. If you choose to let me help you...!" Void Knight started as he picked up his sabre "I'll be here." He finished before leaving "We don't want your help!" Zayto screamed at him "Maybe we should chill out a bit!" Javi told Zayto still holding me back "Amelia's gotta work on that Mystery Buzz story, but maybe you, Elouise and I could head back to the base and monitor the hotline for any sightings of Snageye!" he suggested, "That's if Snageye even exists." Zayto countered, Javi cut me off before I could say anything "We should still check just to be safe!" He told him, Zayto sighed before moving to stand the other side of Javi "Good luck!" Aiyon joked at Javi "Let's get out of here." Zayto stated before teleporting the three of us to the base.

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