Void Trap

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Elouise's Pov

After Solon told us about Dr Akana's missing equipment the eight of us teleported back to the base to talk more privately "So Void Knight must have had his minions spying on us again" Ollie summarised "But why would they take you're mums device?" Izzy asked "Maybe the sporix weren't giving him the power he wanted." Zayto Guessed" How much power does he need" Javi wondered "Apparently a lot" I sighed "So he wants to tap into the grid's power instead?" Ollie theorised "But what for?" Amelia asked, "Winters coming, Maybe he needs it to run his heater? Those things need a lot of power" Javi jokingly suggested, I lightly slapped him on the arm as the others groaned "Whatever it is, We know that Void Knight can't use Dr Akana's device. It's missing its capacitor, and she's still got it" Izzy stated "Yeah, we can't let him get his hands on it." Ollie told us "Or could we? What if he got it but it didn't actually work"  Aiyon suggested "So we don't fix the capacitor?" Javi summarised "More like we sabotage it. That way, if he tries to use it," I smirked "It'll go Kaboom" Amelia cut me off "That'd stop his plans cold." Izzy agreed "It might work. Like you said, he'll go looking for it." Zayto nodded "So let's make sure that he finds Dr Akana and gets it." Zayto announced "What?!" Ollie glared at him "Uh-uh no, That's way too risky." Ollie disagreed "Look, I get it. No one wants to put the people they love in danger" Zayto empathised "We have to think about what's at stake" Solon reminded him "But Void Knights so unpredictable" Ollie argued "Maybe she'd want to help. It's your mum's decision to make, not yours, right?" Zayto countered making Ollie sigh "Ok. Let's ask her, But if she agrees we're doing it tomorrow so we have enough time to fully think through our plan" Ollie reluctantly agreed. Izzy had volunteered to go get Dr Akana with Ollie so we all morphed and  Javi, Zayto and Aiyon began coming up with a plan while we waited "Are you sure it's a good idea for you to still go tonight, Tomorrow's gonna be pretty big" Amelia asked me "I have to it's Ellie's Birthday and she's been working so hard recently. I can't miss it" I answered her "Just don't get drunk" She warned "I won't, I doubt I'd be any help if I was hungover" I laughed as we joined the planning "Right this way Dr Akana" Izzy's voice rang out a few minutes later "Look at this place. Ollie would flip. So much tech" She marvelled as she looked around "You like tech, Well, I just bought this thing online called a microwave. It makes popcorn in under three minutes. It's like we're living in the future." Solon spoke up scaring Dr Akana "You're a..." Dr Akana struggled to find her words "Just a Solonosaurus. Plus a few necessary upgrades, as you can see. Call me Solon, Pleasure to meet ya." She introduced herself "The pleasure is all mine. I have so many questions. Like how?" and-and-and how and how" She gaped as she walked around the room "We are on the clock" Solon gently reminded her "Ok. Down to business. So this Void knight, He's got a knack for stealing my stuff, yeah?" She summarized "Yeah which is why he'll be after the missing capacitor." Amelia explained "Oh true I just fixed it" Dr Akana remembered as she pulled said capacitor out of her bag "Do you need to keep it safe or something?" She asked, "Not exactly we want to foil whatever Void knight's planning and we need your help." Zayto informed her "It'll mean you'll most likely come face to face with his crew. It could be really dangerous Doctor" Ollie told her as he tried to hide his voice "We understand if you decide not to help, this is a really risky job. But we would really appreciate the help" I spoke up stopping Ollie from saying anything else "This may be risky, but this isn't my first rodeo against these thieves. I'm in" She agreed "Ok, we'll spend the rest of the day coming up with as much of a foolproof plan to make sure you're in as minimal danger as possible and then will set it into action tomorrow" Zayto explained as we got to work.

5 hours later

After coming up with a plan we all were told to go rest. I teleported home and quickly got ready for Ellie's birthday party before making my way to the bar with her gift. After realizing it was past midnight and having a drink I said goodbye to Ellie and a few friends before leaving. As I entered the parking lot I felt someone watching me making me quicken my pace, I finally saw my car when I was pulled back. I pushed back before turning around "Ah shit" I groaned as I realized a dozen hengemen were behind me I punched one before kicking another  "I picked the wrong outfit" I muttered as I pulled my skirt down I groaned as four hengemen slashed my left arm while another two sliced my right leg before another punched me in the stomach, I whined as I dodged a swing and accidentally bumped into another hengemen, I kicked the hengemen when I was suddenly pulled back by my neck "Hello white ranger" Void knight said as his grip on my neck tightened causing my vision to blur as I blacked out.

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