The Festival

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Elouise's Pov

At the base

Solon stood in the main room while I stood at one of the doors as the other rangers other than Zayto and Aiyon were waiting around the corner, When the pair finally teleported in they quickly made their way over to Solon "Solon, we came as fast as we could. What's the emergency?" Aiyon asked "Is it a Sporix beast? Is your cyborg eye malfunctioning again?" Zayto guessed "I'm fine and dandy. Although my software is due for a tune-up" Solon assured them as I gestured for the others to walk out "So there's no emergency. What's up?" Aiyon wondered "Well last week when it was my birthday, I wondered when your birthdays were, and how to get 65 million birthday candles." Ollie explained as we joined the three "So then I told them about Rafkon's Triple sun festival." Solon informed them "One day of gift-giving for everyone at once. Everybody's birthday at the same time." Izzy excitedly said "So, Solon and I checked the galactic calendar, and the festival is today," I told them "That's what the smell is, Flargon cake." Zayto realized "Yep we wanted to make you something special from your planet. We've been helping Solon bake them." Amelia revealed "Sooo?" Aiyon asked expectantly "Don't worry. We got you guys gifts." Javi assured them as he and I walked towards where we were keeping Aiyons gift "This is for you" Javi told Aiyon before I pulled the cover off "Happy Triple sun festival!" Everyone cheered "No way! I've been watching tons of motorcycle clips online" Aiyon happily said as he got on the bike "Oh we know. We can hear" Izzy joked before imitating a motorbike "All over the base" She laughed as Aiyon played with the handlebars "I called up a friend of mine that owed me a favour, it's one of a kind" I informed him "Wow I can't wait to cruise around on this baby." Aiyon smiled "We'll have to race once you've got the hang of it" I challenged him, He nodded "Someone take a pic," He asked causing Javi, Izzy and Amelia to reach for their phones "This is perfect for my new Buzzblast profile." He said as Amelia took a picture of him "Smile" She instructed causing him to pose "We have something for you too." Ollie turned to Zayto as he led him over to his gift and I pulled Aiyon away from his bike. Ollie held a box up to Zayto who opened it with a smile "Woah!" Zayto gasped "What are these Dino back massagers?" He asked as he tried to use them on his back "I call them T-rex energy phase weapon strike prototype five X." Ollie told him "But we all agreed that was a terrible name." Izzy interrupted "So now they're called Dinochucks." Izzy informed him "Dinochucks very nice" Zayto complimented them as Aiyon moved over to him "Those are seriously cool." Aiyon agreed as he placed his arm around Zayto "Right? I can't wait to test them out." Zayto as he held them up "Careful, they're powerful." Solon warned him "You shouldn't use them inside the base." She cautioned him "Ok, I'll try them out later." Zayto agreed "Thanks team" He smiled at us as he put the chucks back into the box as a bell rang "Ohh that's the timer. We better go turn the Flargon cakes." Amelia reminded us "I have to see this" Zayto laughed "But no tasting. I know you, Javi. you always eat the batter." Solon scolded him, "Hey, I like to lick the spoon." He defended himself "I'll be right there" Aiyon called out to us "You sure?" I asked "Yup" He agreed. "You know Javi's banned from the kitchen at home" Izzy laughed "Yeah, he's banned from my kitchen too" I added "I didn't mean to eat all the chocolate chips" Javi defended himself. As we made our way to the kitchen, We got halfway through flipping the cakes when an alarm blared through the base. "Uh, it sounds like the hotline," Aiyon told us as we joined him "Oh my it's two alerts." Solon gasped as she looked at the locations "Slyther has been seen in the warehouse district, and there's a report of Wreckmate by the downtown overbridge" She read out "Wreckmates back?" Javi asked "We'll split up. Ollie, Amelia Elouise and I will go after Wreckmate. You guys deal with Slyther" Zayto instructed we nodded before teleporting out 

Javi's Pov

We arrived at the warehouse to see Mucus kicking crates "Aha! what did I say, Mucus?" Slyther announced "You said" Mucus started as she jumped off a crate "Scare some folks, make some noise, and the ranger dweebs magically appear!" She finished with a giggle "Go on laugh, but the jokes on you." I told them "It's morphin time!" I started "Dino fury key, activate! Link to morphin grid! Dino fury power" We chorused "Here comes the pain" Mucus yelled as the two ran towards us "Mosa blast" Aiyon announced as he shot Mucus "Yow, My caboose!" Mucus yelped "Not the caboose" Slyther groaned as Izzy and I attacked him "Evasive maneuver!"  Slyther announced as he backflipped over a crate and out of the way "Ow! that smarts" Slyther moaned "Nevermind new plan" Slyther moaned "Hengemen" He yelled summoning a group of them "Give them some ouchies" he instructed them causing the hengemen to charge us "Bring it" Aiyon challenged "Tactical retreat" I heard Slyther yell as we fought the hengemen.

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