Winning Attitude

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Elouise's POV

"Hey Gang" Izzy excitedly greeted us as we walked over to her "Hi" Amelia replied "Meet our cousin Lily she's my trainer too" Izzy introduced "Hi lily" Zayto said with a wave "Nice to meet you" She told us "Lily you must be a great trainer, I'd do anything to run like Izzy" Ollie complemented they both looked at each other before turning back to Ollie "Would you wake up to train at 5am" Izzy asked "So maybe not anything" Ollie backtracked "Then you're not a champ like us show them your pick" Izzy told Lily who pulled out her phone and showed us a picture of her with a medal "Cool medal how'd you get it" Amelia asked "1500 feat a track event at the special Olympic world game" She explained "Special Olympics?" Zayto asked confused "They help set up sports training and events for all kinds of people not just those with intellectual disabilities" Izzy explained for Zayto "I have an intellectual disability but at the world games anyone can compete but no one can beat me" She told us "That's pretty cool" I complemented her "Lily's worked out a top-notch training plan with me and she makes the best protein smoothies" Izzy praised "Maybe you'll get your own medal  at the cross-country race today" Lily suggested "A medal would be great my dad wants me to set a state record like he says you can only prove your the best by winning" Izzy and Lily Imitated the warden causing the rest of us to laugh "Oh I gotta go and meet my friend see you at 2'Oclock for our last session Okay" Lily said looking down at her watch "See you then" Izzy promised "Bye" Lily said to the rest of us with the rest of us each responding with some type of goodbye "Izzy Solon wants to see us" I told her "Sure I'm done anyway lets go" Izzy said grabbing her bag before the 6 of us found a hidden spot and teleported to the base where Solon showed us to a 3D map Zayto Izzy and Amelia stood one side while I stood on the other side in-between Javi and Ollie "I may have discovered your missing Zords this is where the orb with your keys were found years ago in greenlee woods" Solon explained "Hey my race will go through there" Izzy exclaimed "Oh I get it so if our keys were there then maybe our zords are in that area too" Javi worked out "But they'd probably be buried after all this time" Ollie said bursting Javi's bubble "Could we not make something that could dig it up?" I asked "I think with a few supplies I can build something to detect zord energy no matter how buried it is" Solon tried just as a call came through from the ranger hotline "Sporix beast at the park" Solon told us causing the 6 of us to teleport down to the park and spotting Mucus, The robot and a new sporix "Ugg someone smells like rotten fish" Amelia gagged "I bet his fighting stinks too" Izzy added "it's morphing time" Zayto called out as the 6 of us got ready to morph "Dino Fury key, Activate, link to morphing grid" we chorused as the 6 of us morphed T-rex fury red ranger" Zayto announced before slashing his sabre around "Ptera fury white ranger" I called out before copying Zayto's slashing movements "Tricera fury blue ranger" Ollie announced from behind me before Slashing his sabre in what I can assume was the same type of movements as myself and Zayto and then Amelia called out "Ankylo fury pink ranger" Before I heard the slashing sounds once again "Tiger fury green ranger" Izzy yelled as she too slashed her sabre around "Stego fury black ranger" Javi finished the roll call with his slashes "Dino Fury power" We all yelled causing the new sporix and the Robot to charge at us With Zayto, Ollie, Amelia and Izzy dealing with the new sporix Brine blast and some hengemen leaving me and Javi to deal with the robot Boomtower Javi ran forward and double kicked Boomtower knocking his balance slightly giving me time to jump up using Javis shoulders as a boost before slashing his chest and landing in the splits allowing Javi to flip over me and double slashing Boomtower angering the robot Boomtower then grabbed Javi by the arm and chucked him out of the way before heading off to where Izzy and Zayto were fighting Brineblast with me following after him. I met up with Izzy and Zayto as Boomtower had disappeared and the 3 of us chased Brineblast into a dead end next to a fountain "Looks like your at the end of the line" Izzy told him "Please I have little fishes at home" The beast pleaded as he fell to his knees catching the 3 of us off guard "Wait he has kids" Zayto asked just as confused as Izzy and myself "Wait seriously" I added only for Boomtower to attack Zayto who dodged out of the way I overheard Brineblast talking about a distraction and not having kids but I wasn't really paying attention as Boomtower slashed the 3 of us with some kind of lightning attack throwing Zayto and Izzy into the fountain and me onto the ground I quickly got up and carried on with my attack as Javi jumped in to help blocking 1 of his swings "Not you again" The robot groaned "That's right I'm black in back baby" Javi told him "That's the best you could come up with" I Joked at the black ranger as we kicked Boomtower back "What" He asked causing me to laugh as I pulled out a boost key to make me invisible for 30 seconds "Invisibility Key" I called out activating the key and rushing behind Boomtower and slashing his back  twice before my boost key ended Boomtower turned and slammed me into a nearby rock as Javi attacked slashing at him multiple times only for him to grab his sabre "Not fast enough" Boomtower noted before shoving Javi back and going to swing at him only for Javi to block him using a shield boost key causing Boomtower to get thrown back from the force "Not even a scratch" Javi stated as Boomtower got up slowly "Brineblast" the robot called out to the sporix who was still fighting Izzy and Zayto "Your coming with" He told the sporix before the 2 retreated. Javi ran over to help me up as Izzy, Zayto, Amelia and Ollie regrouped "You ok?" Javi worriedly asked me as he grabbed hold of my hands and pulled me up "My head hurt but other than that I'm fine" I'm reassured him with a small smile as he let go of my hands "Lets get back to the others" I told him he nodded before heading towards the group "The hengemen are toast" I heard Ollie announce "Nice team I wish we could say the same about the others they got away" Javi groaned "Shoot times ticking I better go meet Lily for training" Izzy told us "We need to get supplies for Solon's detector" Zayto reminded the rest of us "watch out greenlee woods we're gonna find those Zords" Javi stated "Call me if you need me" Izzy yelled before running off "Bye Izzy" Amelia and I waved before the 5 of us turned to face each other before teleporting to the base 

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