Stego Search

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Elouise's Pov

At the base

"What's the hap Solon?" Amelia asked "I don't know what that means but my device is finally ready the zord finder" Solon announced "Great that means we'll be able to find Javi's lost zord in no time" Ollie pointed out "Speaking of Javi where is he" I asked the group "If Javi's missing 9 times out of 10 he's either got a new instrument to try or he ate something that didn't go down well" Izzy informed us "Please no details" Amelia groaned pulling a face "Anyway can we try this baby out" Ollie said turning the conversation back to the zord finder "Yep lets give her a whirl team" Solon said before pressing some buttons and the device started scanning "Okay its finding the T-rex, Dinomigo, Tricera , Ankylo and tiger zord but no stego zord" Solon noted "Zayto as team leader I think you should be the one to tell Javi he's not always good with bad news" Izzy suggested causing him to nod just as Solon's device beeped "Wait hang on the zords and your keys have matching energy signatures which the zord finder can detect but not if the zord is dormant basically we just need to find Javi's zord and wake it up" Solon stated as we grabbed our keys back "How are we supposed to find it we have no idea where its hidden?" I asked confused "I guess we just have to keep looking around where we found Izzy's zord" Zayto guessed causing the rest of us to agree we were about to start searching when I started feel a little warm and dizzy "Hey guys I need a minute I'm gonna head to the park for some air" I told them "Okay be quick" Zayto told me I nodded before teleporting to the park

Javi's Pov

At the park 

I just bought my keytar and was really excited to start learning how to play it so I found a bench in the park and sat down before opening the box and pulling out the keytar "Nice" I exclaimed as I put the strap around my neck  turned it on "Let's hear how you play" I said as I started to play a random tune not realizing that I was drawing a crowd until I looked up a couple minutes later and saw a group of people watching me making me to stop "Oh hey dude don't stop your good" One of the guys watching told me causing me to continue playing "Great job Javi" I heard Jane praise causing me to look up to see jane giving me the thumbs up and the crowd clapping "Javi that was terrific" Jane continued "Thanks I'm still kinda figuring it out" I told her "I kind of wish I could do that" Jane admitted putting her camera away "I'm sure you could anyone can make music" I told her before turning to J-borg "Even Androids" I added "Oh that's true I have been programmed with a wide variety of vocal styles" J-borg said before hitting a note "I didn't see that in your manual but lets give it a go" Jane instructed "Sure what could go wrong" I said before playing the keytar again with J-borg singing and jane eventually rapping when we were interrupted by my dad "That's enough you're disturbing the birds in this park it's nesting season" My dad warned us causing Jane and J-borg to look up at the trees "Sorry birdies" Jane said looking up at some birds in a nest "How did you afford that thing" My dad asked me as he noticed my keytar "You know they do kind of pay me for my job at buzz blast" I told him sarcastically "Seriously Javier I'm gonna do you a favour and get your money back" My dad said taking my keytar from around my neck and putting it back in the box "But you just can't" I tried to stop him "Show's over folks clear out" Dad instructed causing everyone to leave "Whoa you should be saving your money, what even is this thing?" He asked me "That's a keytar" I told him "So this month you started learning the harmonica, Violin and whistle and you didn't stick with any of them" My dad listed "But dad I really like trying out new instruments" I told him but he just shook his head and walked off as I pulled my whistle out of my jacked "And I still play the whistle sometimes" I muttered before I heard a twig snap causing me to look up "Jeez 4 instruments in a month you must be pretty shit" Elouise joked "Haha" I laughed dryly "In all serious you ok?" She asked me "What do you mean?" I asked back causing her to roll her eyes "Your avoiding my question" She stated "I'm fine" I lied "Yeah and I'm the Queen of England" she smirked before her face became serious "We'll if you don't want to talk about it should we head back to the base" Elouise asked me and after a couple of minutes of silence I nodded before we both looked around to make sure no one was watching before teleporting to the base

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