Past Connections

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Javi's Pov

At Dinohenge

It was late in the afternoon and everyone but Elouise was currently sitting at one of the tables in the base somehow the conversation had turned to the way Elouise acts "What are you talking about?" Amelia asked Ollie "I'm just saying, I refuse to believe Elouise has ever been soft around anyone" Ollie defended himself "Why not?" Aiyon asked looking confused "It's just she always seems to have her guard up, I'm sorry I just can't imagine it" He explained "I can understand that" Zayto agreed "Zayto" Amelia gasped "What, Ollie's right even when she was hit with the mood beam it didn't make her show any extreme emotion" Zayto reminded the group "That's a fair point" Izzy nodded "Javi back me up here" Amelia turned to me "Or don't if you agree with me" Ollie interrupted "Actually yeah, apart from Amelia you're the one she's obviously closest to. So who do you agree with?" Zayto asked me "Amelia" I admitted which made her smile "That's not fair, of course, he's gonna agree" Ollie groaned "Ok, I'll believe either of you if you give us proof" Ollie continued just as Elouise teleported in "Proof of what?" She asked "Amelia and Javi are trying to convince Ollie that you are capable of being Soft," Aiyon told her "you're not gonna get proof because it has never happened " She scoffed I smiled at her "Oh really, then what about that pictu-" I tried to say but she cut me off "Don't lie" She scoffed again "Oh really because It wouldn't be hard to find it," I said causing her to glare "What picture?" Zayto asked "He's lying there isn't a picture" She denied it. I went to argue when Solon walked in "I made you guys some food" Solon told the group making everyone head towards her "Please don't show them that picture" She asked me "Why not, it's cute." I smirked "Don't care, I'll never live it down" She smiled "Can't promise anything" I laughed causing her to groan, I kissed her cheek before linking our hands and pulling her towards the others "This looks good" Zayto complimented her food but the ranger hotline went off "Sporix beast at the park" Solon called out "No surprise there" Elouise mumbled before we teleported.

Elouise's Pov

At the park

We arrived morphed to see a plant-based sporix and three dozen hengemen running around terrorizing people by throwing some sort of plant at them "I got the sporix" I told the group "You sure?" Izzy asked, I nodded "Okay, let's go" Zayto instructed the rest as I ran towards the sporix. I slashed at one of the plants that had just been thrown breaking which led to it unleashing a  horrible smelling light green mist  "Eww" I muttered "You need to get out of here" I told some civilians that were hiding before turning back towards the sporix who was preparing to throw another "Bad idea ranger" The sporix growled at me as they chucked another one at me I quickly sliced it but ended up getting hit by the mist again "What the hell is that?" I groaned making the sporix laugh "That's for me to know, and you to never find out" The sporix laughed as I coughed. "Whatever creep" I groaned as I kicked the sporix onto a nearby swing, the sporix jumped off the swing and kicked me to the ground "Come on ranger, fight" The sporix yelled as it used vines to grab at my limbs. I tried to cut through the vines but for everyone that was destroyed another two took their place "Take another whiff of my special flower ranger" He called out as he chucked another two flowers at me creating a large burst of the same green mist. "This isn't working," I thought to myself as I coughed before activating the blazing dino key and using the armour to burn the vines "My beautiful vines, How dare you" the sporix dramatically yelled "I'll be back ranger" He warned me before teleporting out "I better go check on the others," I said to myself before falling into a coughing fit "Els" I heard Amelia call out as the others began ran over to me, I forced myself to stop coughing as the reached me "You guys ok?" I asked them "Yeah those hengemen weren't even a challenge," Izzy told me "And you?" Javi checked "I'm all good, that sporix was surprisingly easy to force to retreat, just use some flames" I laughed "What was up with those plants?" Aiyon asked "I have no idea" I admitted "I want to know what that green mist was. It looked like the hengemen were purposely throwing those plants at people to let the mist out" Ollie observed, "Did any of you get hit with the mist?" I asked they all shook their heads "Did the mist hit you?" Zayto looked at me "Just a little but It was barely anything" I told him "Even so you should get Solon to look you over" Zayto suggested "I'm sure it's fine. I'm more worried about the civilians who got hit with it" I deflected forcing everyone's attention to move to the few civilians that were still around the park stuck in coughing fits "We should get these people to the hospital" I told them, they nodded and we all ran over to help.

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