Superstition Strikes

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Elouise's Pov

Amelia and myself were at my house working on our filming schedules "Hey do you think you could take my make up tutorial for tomorrow and I'll do your sports report that you need doing in 3 days?" I asked "Uh yeah I can do that" She confirmed looking at her filming schedule I thanked her "Hey El's?" She called out cautiously "What's up Ams" I said slightly worried "Where did you have to go the other day you know when you left after Izzy's race ?" She questioned me "Oh um-" I started only to be saved by our communicators going off "Whats up Solon" I asked the dino "We got a call from the hotline a sporix beast is at Buzzblast" She informed us "We'll be right there" Amelia ended the call before we both teleported out "I don't see anything" Zayto stated "Lets keep looking otherwise I gotta finish my homework, I'll take a sporix beast over algebra any day" Izzy joked before we all hear a bunch of weird noises "Let's go" I said heading towards the sounds with the other following "There" Javi yelled pointing towards something "Hang on" Amelia said running over to a van and grabbing a hose before hosing off the supposed sporix revealing Amelia's pop pop "Pop pop" Amelia asked before we both ran over to him "Thanks kiddo I had a bit of a whoopsie with the old suds, Just been doing some window washing" He explained "Window washing uh you sure about that" I joked referring to the situation he had gotten himself into causing him and Amelia to laugh he must have realized there was more people as he suddenly gasped "Are you Amelia's new friends, Oh she won't stop talking about you" Pop pop admitted to the others causing Amelia to blush and me to have to try to hide my laughter "I'm Pop pop" He introduced hugging Zayto then giving Ollie a hand shake and waving at Izzy and Javi "He does handy work around town and apparently buzz blast" Amelia explained  as we all look up at the 3 story building "That's a lot of windows to clean by yourself" Javi exclaimed  "Maybe we can help out" I asked him "No If an old timer like me can handle cleaning Amelia's bedroom, then this is a walk in the park" He told the group causing everyone but Amelia to laugh "He's got a point" I added making Amelia blush even more "Hey that was years ago I clean my own room now" She tried "Yeah that's why its always a mess" I joked "Just cause your rooms always spotless doesn't mean mine is messy" She countered "Anyway I can deal with a few dirty windows It's only 2 stories" He said getting back to the point "Actually it's 3" Ollie told him "Wow that's much bigger than I remember" he admitted stepping back "Really we'd love to help" Zayto offered "Ok then grab those" He instructed pointing to some sponges when Amelia walked underneath a ladder "No the ladder" Pop pop yelled "Oh god" I muttered causing Zayto and Javi to look at me weirdly "Oh no I walked right under it" Amelia pointed out "Whats wrong" Izzy asked causing me to groan "Oh you walk under a ladder you have bad luck" Pop pop informed the group "Bad luck why" Zayto asked turning to me and Javi "Nobody knows why you just do, I walk under a ladder as a boy then my Hamster died, my grandpa lost his teeth and 2 months later I had a case of the chicken pox oh boy so itchy" He complained "Two months you can't be serious" Ollie asked disbelievingly "We're not joking Ollie" Amelia defended "Oh come on there is no such thing as bad luck" Ollie argued back "Do you always have to be such a" Amelia said stepping forward only to stop when her jumper got caught on the ladder "Oh my favourite jumper" Amelia complained "Your bad luck's already started" Pop pop informed her "Better go change into something old incase my luck ruins it" Amelia told us as she walked off "Be careful of cracks in the pavement and don't cross the black kitty cat's path" Ollie taunted "that's good advice nugget you should listen to the smart boy" Pop pop advised not realizing that Ollie was making fun of her "See you pop pop" Amelia said before she turned the corner "Now lets get cleaning" Pop pop suggested turning back to the group before walking towards the van I nudged Ollie in the stomach "What was that for" He breathed "Being a dick to my best friend" I stated as if it was obvious "But I was just" Ollie tried "Carry on and I'll aim lower next time" I threatened effectively shutting him up before turning an walking over to the van to get started on cleaning 

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