Lost signal

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Amelia's POV

Elouise and I were sent to find Zayto and bring him down to the base for Solon, We found him sat under the T-rex statue looking at a red pendant "Cool pendant where can I get one" Els asked "My home planet Rafkon but it's light years away" Zayto replied sadly "SOOO that's probably a no on overnight shipping" Elouise joked "Guess so" He said letting a little smile form on his lips as we both sat opposite sides of him "Is that what you're thinking of Rafkon" I guessed though from the sad look on his face and the pendant I was pretty sure he was, Zayto nodded slightly "What's it like" Elouise asked him a smile came to his lips as he simply said "It's like home you know when I left my planet was in ruins thanks to the sporix beasts a few people survived but that was millions of years ago. I really wish there was a way to know if anyone's still out there" Zayto pondered for a moment before getting up and helping us both stand "Has Solon managed to get the Tricera blade and ankylo hammer zords online" Zayto asked "Not yet but something came up on the intergalactic comm system you should come down" I pointed out only for Zayto to nod in response before we teleported down

Elouise's POV

as soon as we teleported in Zayto went straight over to Solon "Hey Solon" He greeted the Dino "Zayto we received a message from deep space I don't have Rafkon's exact co-ordinates but it comes from the same galactic quadrant" Solon explained to her friend "Really so it could be from my people play it solon" Zayto asked excitedly "All righty here we go" Solon exclaimed before pressing some buttons on the comm system on unfortunately it started smoking and crackling "Is it supposed to do that" Ollie asked Solon "It's overloaded, I'm sorry Zayto there's no way it will play the message now the modulator is fried" Solon guiltily told Zayto " Well let's get another one then" Amelia tried "this component came from rafkon finding another one on earth seems well" Solon started explaining "Impossible" Ollie added for the Dino "There has to be another way to decipher the message" I said looking from Ollie and Amelia to Zayto and Solon "Wait a second Madame Indigo can help she's a psychic she does everything from uh fortune telling's, Palm readings even mystical communication" Amelia explained "You really think this psychic can tell us what the message is" Zayto asked Ami a "Yes" and a "No" were the responses he got "Psychics are ridiculous Zayto what you need is science, Mum knows a guy at the observatory they probably picked up the signal let's ask them" Ollie countered Amelia "Maybe we can do both" I suggested hoping to avoid an argument "Yeah we can start with the psychic" Zayto agreed "Fine but who's gonna waste 15 bucks on a psychic" Ollie stated Amelia turned to me and Zayto and said "Don't worry I'll get the money" Before turning back to Ollie "Ollie can I borrow 15 bucks" She asked which caused me and Zayto to laugh as Ollie sighed before actually giving her the money causing me, Amelia and Zayto to laugh even harder before we teleported to a quiet space before heading off to a tent that had a sign saying Madame Indigo "This way" Amelia showed us into the tent. We walked in to see Jane and J-Borg with Madame Indigo who turned towards us "One moment please" Madame Indigo told us before turning back to Jane "Jane, I sense you have great psychic potential. your scarf" Madame Indio started Jane who immediately held her scarf out "Don't trust your eyes, Closing one sense can open another, so embrace your powers" Madame Indigo Suggested as Jane covered her eyes with her scarf "Thanks Madame Indigo I can feel my powers building in my" Jane started before burping "No that is the chili dog I ate thanks Madame Indigo" Jane said once again before leaving the tent with J-Borg following "Please sit down my friends" Madame Indigo beckoned us over me and Zayto sat one side of the table and Ollie and Amelia sat the other side "So you want to know about this mystery message" Amelia nodded while Ollie gave her the evils "Madame Indigo is happy to help. First Zayto I need an object something meaningful that I can use to source your energy" She informed him, Zayto thought for a moment before grabbing his pendant from around his neck "This is from my home far away" Zayto stated Madame Indigo placed her hands above Zaytos and closed her eyes "Oh yes yes the message that you speak of I am making a connection to someone oh a great distance away they desire to see you very much and would love to contact you" She told him "They would" Zayto excitedly asked as he put his pendant back around his neck "Wow" He exclaimed I noticed Ollie put his arm around a confused Amelia "Hey I was just wondering Amelia and I are super in love" Ollie started "Ollie what are you" Ollie cut her off by placing his finger over her mouth "shhh honey muffin I just have a simple question. Tell us about our future together" Ollie asked with a smirk. Madame Indigo reached for both of their hands "I see you've had a long and happy relationship with many more years to come" She told the pair with a smile "Long and happy us" Amelia awkwardly repeated to which she nodded ""Thanks Madame I guess" She sighed before walking out, Ollie winked at us before following with me and Zayto joining them a couple seconds later "Hey guys I had no idea you two were in love" Zayto congratulated them "We're not" "Definitely not" They both chorused "But Ollie called you honey muffins" Zayto asked confused "Yeah and it was really hard to not throw up in my mouth when he did" Amelia stated "Same here yeah" Ollie Disgustedly added "But then Madame Indigo" Zayto tried to say "Is a fraud she just told us what she thought we wanted to hear" Ollie stated, Zayto looked down at his pendant "So she wasn't making a connection with anything" He sadly asked "She connected with the cash we gave her" I told him "there's a lot of frauds out there it's so hard to find a real psychic these days" Amelia pointed out "Maybe the observatory will have the answer" Zayto optimistically stated "Then let's go at least it won't cost me 15 bucks honey muffin" Ollie said walking away causing Amelia to scoff and me and Zayto to laugh. As we were walking through the park, we got a call through our Communicators "What's up Solon "Zayto asked his friend "A sporix beast has been reported on the hotline" Solon informed us "The Observatory will have to wait" I heard Ollie next to me "Where is it" Zayto asked "I'm sending the co-ordinates to you now" Solon informed us "Got it lets teleport" Zayto told us. "We teleported down to where the monster was and surrounded it "Give up your surrounded" Zayto commanded the beast "I'm so scared" The female voice replied before covering the eyes on her chest before uncovering them shooting a beam of energy at Zayto "Look you can see the fear in my eyes" The beast laughed "Zayto" Amelia shouted "He's frozen" I worriedly told the others "It's the eyes on her chest. Don't look at them" Ollie figured out before we all covered our eyes as the sporix beast attacked Zayto knocking him down before turning on us "So you figured me out but if you can't see me then you can't possibly fight" The monster laughed "Oh yeah we'll take that challenge" Ollie told the beast before joining me and Amelia by turning around "It's morphing time" I called out "Dino fury key activate link to morphing grid" We chorused before morphing "Dino fury power" We all called out "You'll pay for hurting our friend" Amelia threatened moving her hand away from her eyes "Not if I do the same to you" The beast countered before once again covering her eyes however before she could attack Amelia I slashed her with my sabre while Ollie reminded Amelia to keep her eyes closed Vampira turned to look at me so I moved out of her eye line and quickly backed up to get out of her attack range as Ollie and Amelia kicked her knocking her off her feet. We regrouped just as Vampira got back up before she came running towards us the 3 of us started slashing randomly in the air hoping to strike her before Ollie got knocked down with me and Amelia following a couple of seconds later "Ugh" Amelia groaned as I helped her up. we heard Zayto groan and quickly ran over to him "Zayto are you ok" Amelia asked him as he got up "Yeah I'm ok but that beast is dangerous when I was looking at her I couldn't move" Zayto explained "Well the good news is that the hotline works if she comes back we'll know about it" Amelia stated looking on the bright side "That will give us time to go to the observatory and figure out the message said" Ollie pointed out as my phone buzzed I checked it to see a message from Stan "Hey you guys go ahead Stan needs me at buzz blast" I told them before teleporting to an alley close to buzz blast then quickly ran over to the entrance to meet up with Stan "Hey what's up" I asked him "Your needed for a make-up product review video" Stan told me I just groaned Stan laughed knowing make up videos were the videos I tried to avoid doing as I'm not a big fan of make-up "I'll do my best" I promised before walking over to one of the empty recording rooms and setting up the make-up, the camera then the ring lights before turning the camera on then walking behind the table with the make-up putting a smile on her face "Hey guys welcome back or if your new welcome too buzz blast I'm Elouise and today I'm going to be reviewing the top 10 most popular make up products so let's start.

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