Serious Business

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3rd Person Pov

At Buzzblast

The rangers were gathered around a table "Can you believe Void Knight? He gave us a real assist with that rotten pumpkin face." Izzy said, "Without him, We'd have been..." Javi trailed off looking for the right word "leafy." he finished "So maybe he's on our side now?" Amelia wondered "It's probably another trick!" Zayto stated "Zayto!" Elouise warned him "He's caused so much pain and suffering. He'll never change. No way!" Zayto continued "I wish we knew his motive, There's gotta be a bigger picture that we're missing here!" Elouise voiced her own thoughts as she remembered Void Knights reaction to the people being turned into trees situation, earning a glare from Zayto. "Jane?" Amelia called out as she noticed her boss walk in with a limp "Are you limping?" Amelia asked "Wha... No" She laughed Amelia off "You're limping!" She deflected as she tried to walk away "You forgot your crutch." J-borg yelled out to Jane as she ran towards her holding up the crutch "Shh! I don't want anyone to know what happened!" She scolded J-Borg as she took the crutch "Ah!" J-borg realised "It's embarrassing!" Jane told her as she handed the crutch to a poor Buzzblast employee who was walking past "Enjoy!" She said before limping off with J-borg following.

Elouise's Pov

After Jane left Izzy and Javi immediately changed the topic of the conversation from Void Knight but I couldn't stop myself from wondering about his motive "I think we've been hacked!" I heard Jane yell Amelia and I shared a look as we rushed over to where Jane and a group of Buzzblast employees were gathered around a monitor where a person in a grey hoodie and a white clown mask covering their face "I've got some crackin' jokes for you. How do scientists freshen their breaths? With experi-mints" The person awfully told the joke "What had four wheels and flies? A garbage truck!" The person continued as they laughed at their own joke "Ok, I have a fear of clowns, but these jokes? even more terrifying!" Amelia stated looking disgusted "You people at Buzzblast should know I've found a flaw in your security. So now I have control of the Buzzblast livestream!" They announced "What?" Jane loudly asked "Wanna stop me? It's easy. Just give me my own Buzzblast show and I'll put everything back to normal." They threatened "Here's another taste of my comedy gold. Why did the zombie unfriend the vampire? He ghosted him." The awful jokes continued "Aiyon, Seriously?" I asked him when I noticed he was stifling a laugh "That's pretty funny." He laughed "Don't you get it? You see, the Zombie ghosted the vamp-" Aiyon began to explain "We get it, Aiyon. This is serious!" Javi scolded him "Yeah, Seriously funny" Aiyon muttered "We need to work on your humour!" I told him "So let me make Buzzblast a blast and you'll get you're livestream back!" The clown person blackmailed us "We need to get back online now!" Jane demanded, "And delete that video of me, My sister dancing!" She corrected herself "Trust me, I've tried! Whoever cracked our security completely locked us out." Stan frustratedly said as he continued to try and get back into the system "What are we gonna do?" Jane panicked "We have millions of subscribers watching our livestream every day, and they're just gonna get colour bars and some weirdos bad jokes?" Amelia stated "Did we hear the same jokes? Eperi-mints? you see because scientists do experi-" Aiyon began explaining again "We all get it, Aiyon." Ollie interrupted him this time as Jane turned around to face us "Buzzblast does not negotiate with cyberbullies! We need to find that cheeseball and stop them" She firmly said "Don't worry Jane, We'll make sure Buzzblast has the last laugh!" Amelia told her "Let's get you a nice cup of coffee!" J-borg suggested as she led Jane away "The last laugh?" I repeated looking at Amelia "It fits the situation!" She shrugged "Never said it didn't, doesn't mean you should say it." I taunted "Why is Jane freakin' out so much?" Aiyon asked "Someone just hijacked her entire business just before Buzzblast hit 10 million subscribers." Amelia attempted to get him to understand "Basically Jane has put her entire life into Buzzblast for the past 11 years and now someone's fucking with it, this hacker could do some serious damage to Buzzblasts numbers!" I said  "And we've got our jobs to worry about. That clowns a menace." Javi added "But 'four wheels and flies' A garbage truck doesn't actually fly; it's just covered in bugs! genius!" Aiyon continued "Aiyon, If you continue supporting that hackers jokes I'm gonna start treating you like I do Ollie when he's being an ass!" I warned him and I noticed Ollie subconsciously rubbing his ribs, Before we could begin searching for the hacker Zayto's communicator beeped "What's up Solon?" He asked as we huddled together "There's reports of a sporix beast heading towards Buzzblast." She informed us "Let's go!" Zayto said as he started walking towards the doors.

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