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Writers note - Hey guys so not gonna my writing was kinda bad in this chapter but it gets much better in the next chapter and the story is really good so please continue reading!!

You remember it clearly. You were 10 years old, it was your birthday, you were excited. The weather was foggy and the ground was slick with ice, but you insisted on going to the park. Your parents were driving you there. Your mother laughing, you'll always remember her laugh, it lit up a room. Your dad turning up the radio. You were happy.

10 minutes away from the park, the car was just about to go over the bridge. The fog was extremely thick, and it was difficult to make anything out. The bridge wasn't the most sturdy, and it went over a deep lake.

Suddenly, you see a pair of headlights before they ram into you. There's screaming and shouting and glass breaking, and you're knocked out cold. 

When you woke up, you took in your surroundings. Hospital walls, with vaccine posters. Your head was pounding and your leg was in a cast. The nurse came in and sat down beside you, giving you a look of sympathy. "How are you feeling?" You felt tired, and pain was shooting through your leg. "Fine," you croaked out.

"Listen, I'm sorry to tell you this, but your parents have passed away."

You gasped. You couldn't believe it, tears were rolling in streams. Your parents, gone, just like that. It broke you.

After two weeks of being in the hospital and crying your eyes out, they had to take me somewhere. You were an orphan now, with no home and no parents.

They put you into a girls home. You shared a dorm with 20 other girls who were older than you. They pulled your hair, poured water down your back, and wrote nasty things on your cast.

You hated it there, but you couldn't do anything with that stupid cast on.

6 weeks passed, your cast was finally off, but the girls were meaner than ever. The food was sh*t. It was usually mushy peas and dried chicken.

You had had enough.

One night, you packed a bag full of your clothes , and money you had stolen, and you climbed out the window and left.

The streets were dark and deserted, and you were freezing. You quickly ran down an alley so as not to be seen. After a few deep breaths you calmed down and closed your eyes, until you heard a voice.

"Hello little one, what are you doing here," a deep voice said.

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