Starks surprise

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Your POV -

You and Peter had sat next to each other at dinner. You still didn't particularly like him but you felt like you should at least give him a chance, after all, he was trying too.

After dinner, you head back to your room, remembering that Tony said he had a surprise for you.

You opened your door and saw a gift basket sitting on your bed.

Inside of it was a phone, a laptop, a tablet, abs weird headphones in this small case.

You were pretty familiar with how to work the phone, laptop and tablet as Hydra had taught you a lot about technology.

You smiled to yourself. As much as he didn't like to admit it, Tony Stark was extremely generous.

You still had no clue how to use the headphones though, so you walked to the lab to find Tony.

When you arrived, he was working on some sort of machine. He was buried deep in his work but looked up when you walked in.

"Oh hey kid. Did you get my present?"

You smiled. "Yes thank you. I don't really know how to work the headphones though."

He laughed. "Come here I'll show you."

You took out the small case and handed it to him.

"Do you have your phone on you?"

You nodded.

"Okay good. These are called air phones ( I'm not sure if I can use the actual name or if that's like copyright lol ). They're wireless, so you have to connect them to Bluetooth using your phone."

Hydra had given you the basics, but surprisingly, you didn't know what Bluetooth was.

"Ehh what's Bluetooth?"

He only looked delighted to explain it.

And as he sat there talking to you about Bluetooth and about technology, you smiled. He was taking care of you as if you were his kid. And the happiness you felt when he spoke to you sparked a view in you that you hadn't felt in a long time.

You viewed him as a father.

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