You and bucky

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(This chapter is pretty short but it's good)

It was about 10pm. You were pretty tired, it had been an eventful day.

You threw on your plaid pyjama bottoms and black vest top and hopped into bed.

~ your dream ~
You were in a big warehouse. A man in your earpiece was telling you to take a right. You walked down the hall and saw an office on your left. "Go in there finish the mission."
You walked in. 10 men were hidden under their desks, and one young boy was trying to jump out the window. You pulled out your gun and shot them, one at a time. The boy was half way out the window, you grabbed his shirt and pulled him back into the room. "Please, please. I beg, I won't tell anyone just please." He was crying and begging. A tear rolled down your eye. You raised your gun to his head. "Im sorry," you whispered. BANG.

You shouted and jumped out of your bed. You were sweating and panting. It had been another nightmarish memory, haunting you in your sleep.

You took deep breaths to calm yourself down. Y threw on a hoodie and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Your phone said it was 3am.

The hallway was dark and quiet. When you arrived at the kitchen, there was somebody already there. Bucky.

"What are you doing here ?" You asked.

"Couldn't sleep," he simply responded.

You nodded and head over to the sink to fill your glass with water.

He looked at you for a minute, your guard was down.

"Nightmare?" He asked.

You nodded again.

"What was it about?"

You took a deep breath.

"Memory of me hurting people."

He looked sympathetic. "I get them too."

You sort of expected that.

"How do you deal with them?" You really wanted them to go but no matter what you tried you couldn't .

He sighed. "I don't. They never really go, they just become tolerable. You have to realise it wasn't your fault."

He sat down in the living room which was next to the kitchen. You sat down opposite him.

"You just have to talk to people, help them understand. It becomes easier. I promise."

He half smiled at you.

You broke down. The guilt, the pain, it was all too much. That boys face replayed constantly in your head.

Bucky got up and plopped himself beside you. He pulled you into a hug and rubbed your head while you cried into his soldier.

"It's okay. I'll help you."

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