The Apology

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You had stayed in your room the rest of the day.

You were embarrassed for flipping out at Peter like that, and you were embarrassed to see the rest of the Avengers. So you sat in your room, staring at the wall.

A knock on the door.

"Hey kid can I come in?"  Tony asked.


He walked in to my room.

He looked at the bare walls, you hadn't put up any drcorations yet.

"Love what you've done with the place," he remarked.

"Funny. Why are you here?"

He sat down beside you on the bed.

"Well I guessed you felt sh*t after today's training. I mean don't get me wrong it was a good fight, apart from when you roundhouse kicked Peter in the face."

You grimaced.

"Listen kid, I understand you're stressed and this is new to you, but you need to make amends. You won't settle in if you shut everyoje out. Plus I need you out of the room for a bit I have a surprise for you."

He looked at you, trying to see what's going on in your head. Your expression gave nothing away.

"What should I do?" You asked.

"Apologise, be nice. He's awkward and weird but just try put up with it."

You nodded.

He patted you on the back and said "Okay you go do that I got some stuff to do here."


Peters POV -

She had hit me hard.

My temple was bruised, and my head was pounding. It wouldn't take that long to heal but it was pretty painful.

I sat in my room icing my head, scrolling on my phone.

There was a knock at the door.

"Can i come in?" A quiet voice asked.

"Yeah," you called out.

The door opened slowly, it was (Y/n).

For once I could read her face. She looked awkward and guilty and she was twiddling her thumbs.

She met my gaze and said "Listen I'm uh, I'm sorry for kicking you earlier on."

I smiled a little. She was trying her hardest to be nice, i had to acknowledge it.

"It's okay," I said softly. "I'm sorry for uh hitting you in uh, you know."

She laughed a little. "It's okay."

I lightly laughed to break the tension.

"Well uhm I think dinner is ready if you uh want to come."

I smiled again. "Yeah sure."

I got out of bed and we walked in silence to the kitchen.

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