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It had been a week since you'd gone shopping with Nat and Wanda. You'd gotten plenty of comfy clothes from different stores, and you loved all of them.

You woke up this morning, feeling pretty good for once. You put on a pair of black baggy jeans and an oversized sweatshirt, and you strolled down to the kitchen.

"Morning (Y/n)," Steve said.


You really hated small talk but you couldn't just ignore him.

"You're going to have to train with us today. We always train together and that doesn't exclude you. Today is fight day."

You felt pretty confident that you'd do well, after all, Hydras training was probably more intense than the Avenger's.


You got a glass of water and left.

Two hours later Tony knocked on your door.

"Here's your training gear kid. Any special weapon requests ?"

You smiled a bit. "Yeah, samurai swords."

Okay okay okay, you admit it's an odd request but you had trained with them at Hydra and they were really fun to use. You were also really good with them.

He smirked. "Clint is gonna like you."

I put on my training clothes. Tight black leather bottoms, and a black tank top.

You plaited your hair to the side and put on the black leather boots Tony gave you.

When you arrived at the training room, everyone was already there, geared up.

Steve stood at the top of the room.

"Okay everyone, today is fighting day. We will have to people up against each other. This is hand to hand combat only so no weapons will be involved. I will read out the fighters now."

You were nervous. Obviously you didn't want to be against a god like Thor. You'd f*cking die.

"Me and Thor. Nat and Bucky. Wanda and vision. Tony and Rhodey, Scott and Sam, and (Y/n) and Peter."

You sighed. Shoulda seen it coming.

Peter gulped loudly, he was not looking forward to this. He didn't want to hurt you but he doubted he'd manage to even land a hit.

You and Peter were last so you had to watch everyone else fights first.

Thor won against Steve, Bucky won against Nat , Wanda won against Vision, Sam against Scott, and me and Peter were yet to go.

"Okay (Y/n) and Peter, you guys are up."

We stepped into the middle of the training room. We were two feet away from each other.

My palms were sweaty, I was actually very nervous.

"Three, two, one, FIGHT!"

He lunged, stepping before attempting a punch, rookie mistake. I counter stepped his position and punched his gut. His stance was awful, his legs wide open. I slid between his legs, buckling his knee as I went. 

He fell down to one leg. I tried to land another punch but he caught my wrist and flipped me onto my back.

It took the wind out of me but I quickly recovered. I ran back up to him, my leg spinning around to hit him as my body was spinning too. I kicked three times, he batted all three away.

I then punched with my left hand as a misdirection, he went to block it, leaving his stomach exposed. I placed my hands on both his shoulders and brought my knee up to his gut. I hit hard. He gasped and whacked me across the face.

He was keeled over for thirty seconds. I used this time to run up behind him, using his shoulders as a boost, I spun my body around so that my thighs were squeezing his neck.

I used my elbows to smash down on his head, I got a few hits in befofe he threw me to the ground.

I quickly got back up, and was met with a kick to the ribs.

I went to punch him, which he blocked, but it gave me an opportunity to grab his arm and bend it back. He was stuck. He was strained and his arm couldn't move, he flailed about, desperate to get out of this lock.

He angled his body slightly and hit me hard in the t*t. I gasped.

There's only two rules in combat training. 1. No kicking in the balls. 2. No hitting the t*ts.

I was pissed. He seemed a little taken aback at what he'd done aswell. This gave me time to spin in the air and kick him hard across the face.

He fell to the floor, blacked out.

Steve intervened. "The aim isn't to knock them out it's to get them in a choke hold (Y/n)," he said furiously.

"He t*t hit me though."

This only made him angrier. "I don't care where he hit you, this isn't how you should respond." He then turned to the rest of the Avengers, "Okay trainings over now, we need to get a medic for the kid."

He gave me one last angry look and then walked away.

I looked at Peter on the ground, he was coming round. 

I gave him a dirty look, picked up my water bottle, and left.

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