The team

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You were unsure about all this. Obviously you were slightly grateful for the avengers taking you in, especially after you had broken into their facility and used your powers on two of them. But at the same time, you really had just wanted to be by yourself. Maybe this will be good for me, I could use some human interaction.

Although you agreed to let them take you in, you told yourself not to form any attachments. Attachment to a person only causes pain when they're gone, and no one here lasts very long.

They had brought you to the hospital wing, to give you a check up and make sure you're doing okay, and also to sew your forearm up.

A woman came in. She was the doctor here. She was nice and she spoke to you kindly. She asked if she could take photos of the marks the implants on your neck had left. The doctors had taken the implants out a few minutes ago.

"Okay so we've done your checkup, you're pretty malnourished. When was the last time you had a menstrual cycle?"


What's a minstrel cycle?!

"Uhh my what?" She smiled. "When you become a teenager, your uterus produces eggs. If these eggs are not fertilised, the blood that has been building up in your uterus releases itself through your.." she motioned to it.

What the f*ck is a uterus?

You felt like you shouldn't ask more questions, you didn't want to seem stupid.

"Right well, we will get you dressed and then you'll be all set to go !!"


Peters POV -

Out of all the things they were going to do to that girl, the last thing I expected was for them to take her in.

I feel sorry for her, but she seems to really hate me. I do feel bad for catching her but how was I to know?

She probably hates me so much and will never talk to me. F*ck.

Peter walked out of his room to see (Y/n) walking into hers. It was right beside his.

He decided to try make amends. 

"So," he chuckled nervously, "guess we'll be seeing each other a lot."

She looked me straight in the eye and said, "I guess."

She really scared the sh*t out of me.


Your POV -

After that awkward interaction with Peter, you set your things - which was just two hoodies and a towel - on your bed. The room was huge. The bed was in the middle - a double bed - something you hadn't slept on in years. There was a TV on the wall opposite the bed. You hadn't watched TV in a long time. Your beside tables had fancy lamps and there were multiple shelves around the room. Fancy art pictures were scattered on your wall, the biggest one above your bed.

There was a toilet opposite the hall that you'd have to share with Peter. Typical.

It was all... overwhelming.

You really didn't want to, it was inconvenient, but you had to. Slowly, tears rolled down your cheeks.

So much had happened and you just had to let it out, it was too much to bottle up.

The memories of Hydra swelled to the surface, your mom, your dad, distant memories but there nonetheless.

You started sniffling, unaware of how thin the walls were, and how Peter could hear you. 

You put your head in your hands and sat there crying. It actually felt good, to let go.

The door opens and a voice says "(Y/n) are you okay?"


It was Peter, that stupid boy always has his nose where it shouldn't be.

You contemplated shouting at him, but you were too emotionally drained to do so.

You looked up at him with red eyes and croaked out "I'm fine. You can go."

He got the message - thankfully - nodded and left.


10 hours later

9:00 am

You had fallen asleep, it was night by the time you had been back in your room. You were nervous to see the other Avengers this morning, but it was unavoidable.

You changed into a black hoodie and black sweatpants and put on deodorant. Nat had told you they'll go shopping sometime this week because all you had been given were baggy tracksuits.

You looked in the mirror, last nights tears had made your eyes puffy. You didn't much care anymore, you were just really f*cking hungry.

You walked into the kitchen to the smell of pancakes. That was something you hadn't smelled in a long time.

Thor was cooking while the rest of the Avengers were sitting at the table reading or texting.

They all looked up when you walked in. Steve gave an unhappy look. He still didn't like you, and you definitely still hated him.

The only free seat was beside Peter. Great.

You sat down next to him and rested your head on your hand.

"Sleep well?"  Tony chirped.

You nodded.

"How's your bed is it comfortable?" He asked.

"Yeah it's nice." Honestly it was too soft. You had been sleeping with rocks as pillows for years now that sleeping in an actual bed felt unnatural.

"Listen me you and Wanda are gonna go shopping tomorrow for your clothes and maybe some room decor. Sound good ?" You were starting to like Nat more and more. She was nice to you, and she didn't treat you like a zombie.

You attempted a smile, "Yeah sounds good."

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