Christmas is coming

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Your hellish week of period pains was finally over.

It was now even closer to Christmas. The 14th of December to be exact.

You were to go shopping with Peter later, as everyone got everyone a small present. 

It was around 12 noon, you were super thirsty.

You looked in the cupboards for drinks and came across one youd never seen before.


Huh. You picked it up and brought it to your room with you.

It had a really strong smell, almost a burny smell.

When you drank it, it burned, but it was a good kind of burn.

You finished off half the bottle and then decided to watch a movie.

By then, the rest of the Avengers were in the sitting room, already watching "A simple favour"

You decided to sit down and join them.

It took everything in you to not laugh at all the scenes, you didn't know what had gotten into you.

A sex scene came on, you felt that butterfly feeling down below that Nat was talking about.

Am I horny? So this is what it feels like.

It was an odd feeling, you weren't sure if you liked it yet, but you still had some exploring to do before you made up your mind.

Steve covered your eyes and Bucky covered your ears for the rest of that scene. The overprotective brothers.

You had started to like Steve. He was tough but he had good intentions.

Once the movie was over, it was time for you and Peter to go shopping.

"Okay (Y/n) you and Peter take the mercedes, get F.R.I.D.A.Y to drive it. I don't wanna see any of my cars broken," Tony said.

You nodded and got up from the couch, stumbling a little.

What has gotten into me ?

You went back to your room to change, and finished the rest of the vodka.

"You ready to go (Y/n)?" Peter walked in to your room.

"Yeah just gimme a uh second." Your words were slurred, Peter knew something was up.

Then he spotted the empty bottle of vodka on your desk.

"Sh*t (Y/n)! Did you drink all of this?" He looked panicked.

"Yeah why ?"

His eyes widened.

"This is alcohol, it's gonna f*ck you up!"

You realised your horrible mistake.

"F*ck. It's okay Peter I'll be fine we should go before anyone notices."

Reluctantly, Peter agreed.


Peters POV -

She was tripping and stumbling all over the place. I had to put my arm around her back to give her support so she wouldn't just flop on the ground.

"Are you two going now?" Bucky asked.

I nodded and quickly tried to get away without anyone noticing.

"What's wrong with (Y/n)?"


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