The escape

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Sams POV -

Me and Tony were sitting on the roof of the facility. It was 10 at night, and we were on patrol, but nothin exciting had happened yet.

"Tony how long do we have to stay out here for?"

"Well Sam, we're on patrol duty so it's our job to keep everyone safe. Cap wants us to make sure he gets his beauty sleep."

I laughed. Tony was intimidating, but I really liked him. He was a friend.

Suddenly I heard a chopper in the distance. I looked at him wearily, "Do we have to check it out?"

"Yup. Cmon." He flew off, and I jumped down and spread my wings.


Your POV -

The chopper landed gently. You hopped out and quickly made your way behind a tree for coverage. You were in a kind of forest, so you were hopefully no one would see you.

Then, you heard something. It sounded like an engine of some sorts.

"You see anything Tony?" Sh*t. Now you were gonna have iron man on your ass.

You stayed still and waited behind the tree for them to pass, but they were nearing.

"Just stay on the lookout Sam." You heard his arm raise and the sound of a weapon getting ready to fire.

They were coming closer and closer, so you slowly tried to move behind another tree, but you stepped on a branch and it made a huge snapping sound.

F*ck! Your cover was blown. You were gonna have to use your powers.

You stepped out from behind the tree and two beams of light came out of your hands and directly towards their heads.

They fell to the ground and gasped.

You had made them forget how to walk and talk.

You quickly ran to the facility and took out the laser beam you had brought. You lasered a hole in the window and snuck in.

The facility was huge, with a lot of corridors and turns.

You ran around looking for the lab, and eventually, you found it.

There were so many celestial things and weird weapons.

You saw the tesseract sitting in a protective stand. You looked at it, and you thought about taking it - that was the mission after all - but you weren't trying to succeed, so you grabbed an empty metal briefcase from the corner.

You were going to leave, when a plan formulated in your head.

You grabbed one of your small knives for the utility belt, lifted up your sleeve, and sliced across your forearm.

It hurt, but it had to be done. You used the tip of the knife to ease out the tracker, it came out covered in blood.

You stood on it so that it was crushed.

Now you could escape without Hydra knowing you were still alive.

You're forearm was bleeding but you covered it up with your sleeve. You quickly made your way out of the lab and was about to quietly shut the door behind you, when something, stuck your hand against the door.

You turned around to see a young boy staring at you.

"Who the f*ck are you?"

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