I hate Steve Rogers

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Steve Rogers was Hydras least favourite Avenger, but that's not why you hated him.

You hated him because he's so smug and arrogant, always trying to be the hero and acting as if he brings justice to everything when really he just f*cks up stuff.

So of course when he said this, you scoffed. You had to. His face is just so punchable.

He stared at you firmly, "I won't repeat myself, either you tell us who you are and why you're here, or we will find someone who'll make you tell us."

You were slightly intimidated, all of the avengers just staring at you, you were heavily outnumbered. It would be unwise for you to try to escape, so you somewhat accepted defeat, but you weren't going to go down easy.

You matched his stare, not giving up, not because you wanted to be loyal to Hydra, that was the last thing you wanted, but because you didn't want to give in to this bastard.

"I know this is scary, but we don't want to hurt you, and it seems you don't want to hurt us. We can't help you if you don't tell us anything." Natasha Romanoff. Also a former assassin. You liked her though, she seemed nice, and she was speaking to you with sympathy, pribably because she knows what this is like.

She walks a bit closer to you and softly smiles. "What's your name?"

You hesitate, scrunch up your mouth. You really don't want to give away your identity but you felt bad, and Natasha was giving you her best kind face.

F*ck, she's really good.

You sighed. "(Y/n) Valloria."

She smiled again. "How old are you (Y/n)?"


There were a few gasps from the Avengers. The first one from that idiot brown haired boy, the second one from Bruce Banner, and the third one from another former assassin Bucky Barnes.

Must be tough for him to have to be reminded of his past again.

Steve Rogers wasn't easily shaken though. "Hydra?" You nodded. "So why would Hydra send you, a 16 year old girl, to the avengers facility, to steal something, presumably the tesseract, but you never take it and instead take an empty briefcase?" He had suspicion written all over his face.

You give him your biggest b*tch face. "I was trying to get out of Hydra when that idiot stopped me from leaving the facility."

At this, Tony Stark spoke up. My powers would have worn off him and Sam by now. "Why would you want to get out of Hydra?"

"Because it wasn't my choice to be there in the first place," you calmly replied.

Bucky scoffed. "Everybody has a choice."

"Did you?" you retorted.

That shut him up.

Steve wasn't done though. "That still doesn't explain why you didn't take anything, or why you sliced open your arm."

You decided to just tell the truth, there was no way out of this. "If you mess up enough times Hydra brainwashes you and let's you go. I was taken to Hydra when I was 10 after my parents died, so no I didn't have a choice. I had been planning to leave ever since. And I cut a tracker out of my arm and broke it because if the person dies the tracker turns off. I was trying to make it seem like I had been killed."


Doubting looks.

They didn't believe you.

The brown haired boy spoke up, "Uh what about your powers?" He spoke quietly and nervously.

"I can make people forget things and remmeber things. I got them when I touched this stone thing, I don't know much else," you replied curtly. You still hated him.

"How do we know we can trust you?" The sokovian voice of Wanda Maximoff. Another ex hydra person. Jesus Christ are all the Avengers ex Hydra or something.

"Because you can read my mind." It was a pretty smart answer to be fair.

"Is she telling the truth?" F*ck you Steve I'm not lying.


"Where were you going to go? A kid like you with no money or anything." I could see a plan formulating behind Tony Starks eyes and I didn't like it.

"Anywhere that Hydra wasn't."

He looked at you for a minute or two then said "Okay Avengers I think we need to talk."

They all started walking towards a separate room, including the brown haired boy.

"Not you kid this is grown up talk."

The kid looked disappointed. "Cmon man."

"No, wait with the girl, make sure she doesn't do anything."

He reluctantly sat on the couch opposite you.

"So... what was Hydra like ?"

He's trying to make small talk and that's seriously his first question? Lord.

You stare at him intensely, "I hate you."

He quietly nods and sinks further into the couch.

You instantly felt terrible for saying it. You did blame him but he was probably scared and panicked. And you were scared and panicked yourself. What will they do to me. They'll probably arrest me. Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t.

The adult Avengers came back out of the room.

Tony stark smiled a little and said to me "Okay kid, welcome to the team."

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