No memory

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Peters POV -

"(Y/n)? What are you doing?"

I slowly walked towards her.

She still kept her gun pointed at me.

"Who's (Y/n)?"

My face fell.

"What did they do to you there?"

Her eyes darted all over, trying to see if she recognised me. 

I don't think she did.


Your POV -

He kept saying the name (Y/n).

You couldn't really remember where that name came from.

You looked at the boy.

He looked familiar, but you couldn't place your finger on how or why.

Everything was just fuzzy.

A woman with short red hair ran into the room.

She looked shocked. 

"Oh my god (Y/n)!"

You pointed the gun at her instead.

"(Y/n), we're your family, it's okay."

My family? Surely I'd remember them.

"I don't have a family," you said.

"(Y/n) put the gun down," the boy repeated.

I jumped at the girl, landing hits on her gut. I felt punches on my back and the boy pulled me to the ground. 

I spun around and kicked him across the head, then reached for my gun.

The girl kicked it from underneath my hand, then kicked into my chin. I stumbled a bit.

"(Y/n) stop!"

You carried on. Hitting both of them when you could. 

You pulled out a small knife, thrashing it at them. You cut the boys leg. He cried out in pain.

Another man walked into the room. He was tall with short black hair and a....metal arm?

He immediately overpowered you and restrained you.

The girl walked towards you.

"You know who I am?"

It was unbearable. Looking at someone so familiar but not knowing why they are.

"I don't even know who I am."

She nodded sympathetically.

Then punched you hard in the face and knocked you out.

When you woke up, you were restrained in a chair with loads of people looking at you.

Not people.


You remembered that.

A man spoke.

"Hey kid. Do you remember any of us?"

You looked around and focused on the guy with the metal arm.

A name sprung to mind.


He nodded smiling.

"Okay good! Good. Do you remember my name?"

You focused again on the guy talking to you.

You remembered him telling you about Bluetooth.


He smiled and hugged you, "Well done kid."

You looked at the rest of them. You couldn't really remember anyone else.

They told you their names.

"My names Natasha, but you can just call me Nat," you liked her, she seemed nice.

Then the boy came up to you.

"Uhh my name is Peter. We were sorta dating before you got taken and um yeah."

Peter Peter Peter Peter.

You replayed the name over and over in your head, until you found a memory.

It was you and him on a rooftop. He leaned in to kiss you, then the memory stopped.

"I remember you."

His face lit up. "Really?"

"Sorta. It's kinda fuzz-


You looked to see where the gunshot came from. It was the man from hydra, the one with blonde hair and those steel blue eyes.

Who had been shot?

Natasha fell to the ground, gripping her stomach.

Tony and Bucky ran to the man, immediately restraining him.

Natasha lay on the ground, bleeding out.

Steve was holding her tight against him.

"CAN WE GET A MEDIC!" He screamed.

She held his hand, "Steve, it's okay."

He was sobbing, "No Nat I'm not gonna let you die."

The medics ran in and placed her on a stretcher. She was brought out, her blood still left on the floor.

You were overwhelmed by everything that had been happening.

Peter looked at you, "Cmon let's get out of here."

He loosened your restrains and walked you out, bringing you to his room.

He sat on the bed, watching you.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Confused. I cant remember what's real or fake."

"Then ask me."

You looked up at him. "I was taken. Real or fake?"


You nodded.

"I don't really remember that much."

He looked at the ground for a second.

"Your favourite colour is green."

You remembered that. How much you love green, like the grass.

"We're meant to be dating. Real or fake?"


You were annoyed at yourself for not remembering him. It frustrated you.

You climbed onto the bed and cuddled into his arms, crying.

"It's okay (Y/n), I'm here."

And you stayed like that for a while.

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